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Cancellation Of Assurance Under Article L113-12


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Help!!!  I have received today a registered letter from my insurance provider (AXA) with the following text (English translation provided by www.freetranslation.com)

Nous regrettons de devoir mettre fin à votre contrat d’assurance no. 3850635504 à l’échéance annivesaire conformément à l’article L113-12 du code des assurances et aux conditions générales.

We regret to have to put an end to your insurance policy no.  3850635504 to the maturity date annivesaire in accordance with the item L113-12 code of the assurances and to the general conditions. 


En conséquence votre contrat sera résilié à compter du 01/01/2009 à 0 heure.

Consequently your contract will be terminated as of 01/01/2009 at 0 o'clock. 



La résiliation ne préjudicie en rien au payment des primes éventuellement dues au titre de ce contrat.

Termination not préjudicie in anything to the payment of the eventually due premiums to the title of this contract.  (I think thismeans I stillhave topayup to the end of the contract)



Les informations concernant votre contrat et vos sinistres sont transmises pour enregistrement dans un ficher central professionnel gere par l’association pour la gestion des informations sur le risqué Automobile (A.G.I.R.A. – 1, rue Jules Lefebvre 75009 Paris).

The news concerning your contract and your sinister ones are transmitted for recording in a professional central card managed by the association for the management of the news on the risk Automobile (A.G.I.R.A.  – 1, street Julius Lefebvre 75009 Paris). 

Article L113-12 states that either the insured or insurer has the right to cancell the policy.

Can anyone help as to why I may have received this letter, there's no explaination as to why they're cancelling it.

I will be writing to them but I thought I see what the forum thinks as well.

P.S. This is for a vehicule de collection andit's a motorcycle.

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The translation of "sinistres"  is a bit comic

It means the sorts of things you declare to an Insurance company, such as damage.

Have you had an accident?

On this site

it says that the length of the contract and its conditions are fixed by the Police, but either side can cancel in respecting due notice.

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Thanks to BobT & NormanH for a quick response.  The bike is French registered and insured as a Vehicule de Collection and as such I wasn't asked for any proof of no claims bonus (bonus/malus).  Incidently I also have 2 old cars insured with AXA and my modern bike (for which I provided proof of NCB from my UK insurer) so I wonder if I have 3 more letters in the pipeline.

My main worry is that when one insures one has to tell the prospective insurer is you've ever had insurance cancelled and I'm not sure if this counts as technically it isn't cancelled they're simply not renewing.


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[quote user="NormanH"] <snip>

On this site it says that the length of the contract and its conditions are fixed by the Police, but either side can cancel in respecting due notice.

Woops. Another bit of mis-translation, I'm afraid ...

In this case, 'police' en français = 'policy' in English, not 'Police' [:D]

Also, 'résilier' does not mean 'cancel'.  It means 'terminate'. 

I think all Axa are doing is telling you they won't be re-newing your insurance when it comes up - they have to give you written notice of this by dint of the Article that they quote.

But I stand to be corrected ...[:)]




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I wonder if this is just a mistake. I have heard of policies being terminated at renewal where there have been multiple accidents or sinistres (not necessarily your fault either) but without some motive it's hard to see why they would do this out of the blue so speak to them and ask why they have sent you this.

Regarding informing a future insurer, not that I'm suggesting you would not disclose it but you will have no choice because it will be in your record:

'Les informations concernant votre contrat et vos

sinistres sont transmises pour enregistrement dans un ficher central

professionnel gere par l’association pour la gestion des informations

sur le risqué Automobile (A.G.I.R.A. – 1, rue Jules Lefebvre 75009


The news concerning your contract and your sinister ones are

transmitted for recording in a professional central card managed by the

association for the management of the news on the risk Automobile

(A.G.I.R.A.  – 1, street Julius Lefebvre 75009 Paris).

Unlike UK where they take you at your word in France when you first take out insurance there is a central file raised for you and all your history goes in it for insurers to refer to.

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Just a thought: it might be worth dropping in to an AXA agent (there's at least one in most towns) and asking if they can help in establishing the reason for cancellation. They often have some command of English and if your French is iffy, sending a letter may not be straightforward and takes time to get a reply.

Even if you didn't take the insurance through them in the first place, they'll almost certainly help if you ask them nicely! 


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We too had a letter from our insurers informing us that our contract for one car would not be renewed. Mr O went in to see them and the assistant said it was because they thought we did not live in France.

They came up with this Gem even though we insure our principle residence with them 2 cars, a moped , health cover and another house in France.

The assistant asked Mr O to sign a declaration that he did live in france, which he did.

After doing that he felt a bit miffed and went over the road to AXA showed them the letter and asked for a price from them........result was a lot cheaper than normal and accepted their price and cancelled the other.


I have a feeling this came on the back of an incident in the UK earlier in the year when he was stopped by UK Traffic police who said he did not have Insurance to drive there(we did and still do) and I had to get an attestation from our insurers here to send to them



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 You must be more dumb than I thought if you think that something as serious as this would be even near its conclussion after only a few months.

I will post the eventual outcome, untill then keep your stupid comments to yourself.


I realise now why I do not bother to post  often on this forum.

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I don't want to seem holier than thou but the place for these comments is on the original post/thread.  I read the 'Mr. O' post and my sympathies lie with Mrs. O and these forums aren't the place to argue.  They ought to be used for the exchange of information, helping others, seeking help, etc.

That said I've contacted AXA and they now say they will renew my contract.............................then the day after I received 2 more letters informing me they will not be renewing my other 2 classic policies.  Needless to say we are going to see them.

What worries me is that I may now have to answer yes to the question 'have you ever had insurance cancelled', although in my view it hasn't been cancelled it's just not been renewed.

All in all we pay 800 euros p/a to AXA and it seems damm rude not to give a reason.

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[quote user="tasng4"]What worries me is that I may now have to answer yes to the question 'have you ever had insurance cancelled', although in my view it hasn't been cancelled it's just not been renewed.[/quote]

You insurance has not been cancelled.

A cancellation would take place during the course of the contract, if you see what I mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks for all the replies, I have now been to AXA to ask about these letters as I got nowhere sending E_Mails.  It seems that Club14, the AXA subsiduary who insure old cars & bikes, sent out thousands of these letters by mistake and now my account is locked.  I am very dissapointed in the agent, AXA and Club14 as I have received no appology or letters confirming my policies are still in effect.  As my account is locked I cannot get renewal quotes so I don't even know the cost for the next year and the 2 month cancelation deadline is on 1st February.

I love France but customer service, at least in this case, leavessomething to be desired.

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