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Whats all this then ?

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Hi everybody

Have just received a bill which we have not had before and wonder if there is anybody out there who can throw some light on what it is for.

It is pink paper and headed "Titre Executoire". One box is entitled "Assainissement individuel redevance - control (2)

Looks like its some sort of bill for waste water, but we are not on mains drainage. Our Fosse drains into a ditch and obviously at some point gets into the local streams and rivers. Could this be a bill for keeping the rivers clean.?

Thanks for all help.


John & Sue (50)

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I think you will find it's your contribution to a new "Green Tax" to fund all the inspectors from the French water company's, trying to comply with the new laws on waste water.

I remember getting a letter earlier on this year telling us, that for our own good we would have to pay a bit more on our water bills.

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