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Another voitures de collection question....


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Do you automatically get a Collection carte gris if you register a car 30+ years old or do I need to apply specifically for one?  If so how??

I've heard there are restrictions for Collection cars i.e. mileage limitations, inter departmental use etc etc - anybody know anything about this???


Thanks in advance!


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If you can obtain a regular certificate of conformity for your car, then you should apply for a carte grise 'normale'.  Otherwise, you can apply to the FFVE for an attestation which takes the place of the CoC then apply to your prefecture for a carte grise 'collection'.

The driving limitations for vehicles de collection are being removed in April when the new registration system comes into force.  From that date, they will be subject to five yearly CTs.

Everyone, including the FFVE, will always recommend you try for the carte grise 'normale'.  The 'collection' concession was originally introduced to allow the occasional pre-1952 vehicle without the necessary documentation to be registered for the road.  If you think about it, by next year, the 30 year rule will allow something like a 1980 GTi to be registered as a 'collection' and be CT'd every five years.  This was clearly not the original intention of the scheme, so I suspect the FFVE might be feeling a bit uneasy......

A concession is just that - there's no guarantee that the rules won't be amended at some time in the future.



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