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A new type of Importation question

Mr C

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I know this topic is covered over and over, but I think I have a new question that no-one has asked before.

I started the Import process 16 months ago, but for one reason and another, I never completed!! Now I am ready again.

So today I took the car for a CT (having got all the other documents in place) - but the tester refused me, because the car already has a valid CT from 16 months ago.

He says that he is not allowed to retest, because of course by now, the car should have been imported. Never mind whether I used it or not, with a valid certificate, I cannot get another.

I know that one option would be to remove the sticker from the windscreen, and go to a different testing station... but does anyone know if I need to do this?? Can I save 75€ ??

My CT is dated January 2008. Does it need to be newer than this? Like the 6-months for registering a just-bought car?

Thanks in advance.

I am also doing my own research - so if I find out myself then I will post back here later. So far, the Prefecture didn't know - no really!! The CT Tester thought it wouldn't matter, but then proceeded to make an appointment for 15 days time, for once I have the Carte Grise... What's that about as well??

Thanks in advance.
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Certainly a different slant on a common issue.

Do you need a new (or less than 6 months old) CT to register a car you have owned for a long time, I don't know - but we know a man who does [Www]

The CT man is probably right that he can't issue another CT as your car will be in the system under it's VIN number and possibly UK plate also but bizarre that he's made an appointment for you.

If you have all your bits of paper ready for registration why not just go along in all innocence and see if they accept the CT as is, you have nothing to lose except the time and cost of what may possibly be a wasted trip but even if it turned out that way at least you'd know how to proceed.

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Having started the import process all of 16 months ago, I imagine you've had the car off the road for most of this time because it would have been illegal to drive an unregistered vehicle after one month of its arriving in France.....[Www]

Having gone longer than six months without putting it back on the road, you must now produce a fresh CT certificate to the prefecture in order to register it.

There is no reason why a CT station cannot offer you a test.  If you think about it, everyone selling a car here has to provide a certificate less than six months old, so if they have a valid certificate that is older than this, they are entitled to obtain a fresh test.

Given your history of apparent non-compliance with the law, perhaps the tester is uneasy about putting his name to a certificate that might turn up as evidence in a subsequent prosecution.

I suggest you take the car to another testing station.  No point in removing the vignette to try and fool them because your vehicle test record will be held on the central computer system at UTAC to which all CT stations are networked.




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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Having started the import process all of 16 months ago, I imagine you've had the car off the road for most of this time because it would have been illegal to drive an unregistered vehicle after one month of its arriving in France.....[Www]

[/quote] Yes - it has been unused throughout, as I have had another car... Now I wanted the real car for a long trip, rather than the 4x4. [quote]

Given your history of apparent non-compliance with the law...[/quote] Nope - again that's not me. I am not one of those ex-pats that is here on the run and avoiding taxes and legal things... [quote] No point in removing the vignette to try and fool them because your vehicle test record will be held on the central computer system at UTAC to which all CT stations are networked.

[/quote] That's interesting. That I didn't know.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]...why not just go along in all innocence and see if they accept the CT as is...[/quote]


Cool - that's what I did, and there was no problem...   The CoC was in German, which bothered me a bit too!!  But with that, and the old CT the lady was very happy to proceed.


Shame though - I stand out now as much as I would with English plates - I have been given a new style number AA-123-YZ...   grrr...


Thanks for the help people...

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