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Kids in front seat of cars


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Back in 2007 Sunday Driver posted the following response to this question


Re: Carrying kids in front seats of a van

Code de la route Art R412-3 states:

I. - the carrying of a child aged less than ten years in the front seat of a motor vehicle is prohibited, except in one of the following cases:
1° When the child is carried, facing rearwards, in an approved system of restraint especially designed to be installed in front of the vehicle
and where the front airbag is disabled;
2° When the vehicle is not fitted with a rear seat
or if the rear seat is not equipped with a safety belt;
3° When the rear seats of the vehicle are temporarily unusable or are occupied by children of less than ten years, provided that each child is retained by an approved system of restraint.

You can find the full regulations set out here.

Just to correct some of the uninformed generalisations creeping in here, the regulations are EU wide and are the same in the UK......


I could not get the link to work (and translation is not my strong point) so this post is just to check that nothing has changed or if it has what the latest position is. My circumstances are that I have friends visiting with kids. I drive a Mazda MX5 so no back seats anyway. Can I take a child (only 1 obviously!!) with me on journeys? They are 5, 7 and 9. It may not be necessary for me to take them but just in case I would like to know the rules!! In 2007 it seems that exemption 2 above would clearly apply.

Thanks in anticipation



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Transport des enfants dans une voiture

Le transport des enfants de moins de 10 ans est strictement réglementé.

Ils doivent être placés dans des sièges spécifiques qui diffèrent selon leur âge :

  • - de 0 à 9 mois (moins de 9 kg), ils doivent être placés dans un porte-bébé dos à la route à condition que l’airbag ait été préalablement désactivé ou dans un lit nacelle fixé le long de la banquette arrière avec filet de protection ;

  • - de 9 mois à 4 ans (9 à 18 kg), ils doivent être placés dans un siège homologué (siège baquet à harnais ou siège harnais à réceptacle)

  • - de 4 à 10 ans (plus de 15 kg), ils doivent être placés dans un siège réhausseur à l’arrière maintenu par la ceinture de sécurité ou un harnais ;

Cependant, lorsque toutes les places à l’arrière sont occupées par des enfants de moins de 10 ans, le transport à l’avant d’un enfant de moins de 10 ans est autorisé.

Transportation of children in a car

The transportation of children under the age of 10 is strictly regulated.

They should be placed in specific seats that differ according to age:

  • - 0 to 9 months (less than 9 kg), they must be placed in a sling back on the road provided the airbag has been deactivated in a bed or bassinet set along the back seat with net protection;

  • - 9 months to 4 years (9 to 18 kg), they must be placed in an approved seat (bucket seat harness or seat harness receptacle)

  • - 4 to 10 years (over 15 kg), they must be placed in a booster seat at the rear maintained by the safety belt or harness;

However, when all the rear seats are occupied by children under 10 years, transportation to the front of a child under 10 years is permitted.
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