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French registered LHD to the UK


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I'm thinking of hanging on to my French registered LHD van for use in the UK. Anybody know how much of a hassle this might be?

Tax and insurance should be straightforward enough but how do I  go about getting UK number plates for it?

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It's basically as per the sticky at the top of the Driving in France section, it's possible I guess that you might be asked for a C of C on top of that.

I agree with Anton 100% though, far better to sell it here and buy another in UK if you needed one but that's up to you.

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[quote user="redkite"]

I'm thinking of hanging on to my French registered LHD van for use in the UK. Anybody know how much of a hassle this might be?

Tax and insurance should be straightforward enough but how do I  go about getting UK number plates for it?


I've just reimported my car after nearly nine years in France. DVLA was straight forward and I have the number I left behind in 2000. However Churchill were the only insurance company I was able to find who would recognise my French "no claims discount/releve d'information".  Even then the original document which came from AXA in  the form of a table with the relevant information, for which I supplied a translation, was not considered acceptable and had to be backed up by a supplementary letter in English from AXA saying specifically that I had no claims during the time in France. It worked out OK in the end but took close on two months of correspondence to sort it out - and save the best part of £300 on the premium!!

MOT with my French plates was no problem but remember that tax and number plates are inseparable and you may find it helpful to obtain the DVLA supplied "Importing your Vehicle" pack which you can order on line.  They were also helpful in answering phone queries subsequently 

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