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Recent oil prices?


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I need to order a 1000 ltr oil delivery before October. Is it best to order now? Has anyone any idea of current prices or a website? We usually share a delivery with our neighbours so that may bring the price down a little.

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Oil prices are expected to rise apparently due to the death of King Fahd. Petrol is creeping again today I noticed so oil will follow suit. Its like exchanging currency, do you wait or go now and at least you've got it if it does go through the roof and it usually does go up ready for the winter deliveries.
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One of the reasons Oil went so high in the summer is that the Americans went off on holiday in their Hummers or SUV's and those that stayed at home stuck the air con on. They are also still short on their emergency stocks. The storms lashed their harbours and to cap it all, all the dollars that the Americans have been throwing at China for years to buy plastic geegaws are now in the hands of modern Chinese who have the idea to purchase American Oil plants on American soil. Still not an actuality, but he who has the dollars calls the tune.

Everytime we buy a bit of plastic made in China, they have to think of something to do with the money generated. There is only so much they can do before they need transport, light, heat etc etc for the whole of this huge land as they expand and I would make a guess that they intend to become an even bigger player in the oil business.

I read an American article about oil where one very well respected but careful financial guru said - well it might even reach $100 dollars a barrel, to which his even more careful companion stated - $100 - you aint seen nothing yet.

The death of King Fahd, god rest his soul, may not be the start of an ill wind but a very cold wind.

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Pleeeease! (**insert icon!!)

I know all the reasons why oil prices will increase. I just asked what price folks had paid recently for a smallish delivery. Should have realised that on LF getting a straight answer is virtually impossible.

**Would love to do smiley/frustrated/eyes rollin' icon but can't as I have iMac!!
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There is an even more pessimistic view, that is known as "peak oil theory". That states that some time soon the world's capability to produce extractable oil will decline, as happens with existing individual fields. This will happen worldwide at a time when demand is strongly decreasing, leading a few years after to an exponentially increasing oil prices and general world economy collapse, wars, famines etc.

Current estimates are between 2000 and 2020 - but we will not know until some years after that the peak has been passed.

Do a search for peak oil if you are interested in scaring yourself silly!
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[quote]Pleeeease! (**insert icon!!)I know all the reasons why oil prices will increase. I just asked what price folks had paid recently for a smallish delivery. Should have realised that on LF getting a stra...[/quote]

Zeb, I quite understand your frustation as it  is often  very hard to get a simple staight answer to a question these days. I do not buy oil, except to say that it is often cheaper to purchase at this time of the year. I hope that a lesson can be learnt from your remarks and that contributors  who wish to change the subject will simply start a new topic.


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[quote]Like you zeb, I am watching the oil prices so I can get best price..I watch the oil price on the bbc web page. Interesting to see the graph shoot up the day of the death of King Fahd. Todays news is a...[/quote]

Harvey, watching the oil prices is a good indication of future prices. However, I believe there is often quite a delay before they reflect in the retail markets. This is because the oil is bought forward for future delivery and stocks previously bought already held by the  refineries and suppliers.

The delay in price corrections can be behind by sometimes weeks dependent on the current demand. It might be more useful to look at the price trends per barrel perhaps a month or so ago to get and indication when you should buy and then contact your supplier daily until the price suits you.


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Well I wonder how this new bill that Bush has signed will effect the price of oil. For those that don't know the US intends to use it's own oil and gas so as not to be so dependant on the Middle East. I can't imagine why off course . In theory I would think that what ith more Russian oil coming on stream in theory the price might drop as the US is a large market I believe and there will be over supply?
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Well, just had oil delivery. I had to wait for neighbours to ring daily for prices and then share a delivery, so more expensive now of course than when I first posed the question!

I paid 0.658 euro per litre inclusive of TVA. Luckily the log delivery was the same price as last year but I presume everything will increase in price with the knock-on effect. Grrr.

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Its always best to buy in summer Zeb. I filled up last week (2800 litres !) and will top up in February if necessary. We burn lots of wood in winter too but it comes for free from our land (well, except labour of course).

As you said before, its obvious to know what moves the oil prices. In the absence of any significant deaths etc its pure supply and demand. People want Heating Oil in winter so its more expensive then. Same goes for logs.
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