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Car registration agents?


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Hi there,

Any one know if there are agents you can employ to handle car registrtions? At the moment I have a car and a motorcycle sitting idle in the barn in need of registration. Due to other commitments it is difficult for me to get to France for awhile. The last visit I managed to get a CT on the car but failed to get the quittus fiscal due to lack of douments to prove address (all our utility bills and bank stuff is sent to our UK address)

Thanks for your time



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Carefull now.

An ex friend of mine asked their local garage to take care of registering their van for them.

They did work and took it for CT, did the repairs for the contre visit and took it back, then the garage owners wife went to the prefecture to find out the proceure, returned, then another day went to the hotel d`impots, then another day went to Mercedes to see about a C of C.....back and forth several times with paperwork and to retreive incomplete papers etc, get signatures etc etc. All very laudable, except its a 45 minute drive each way and she was charging the garages normal hourly labour charge for all the time she spent travelling, queing and paper shuffling in the various offices.

The final bill for re-registering the van....well, they never let on exactly how much it was, but from what I have seen I dont think it was under €2k, and quite possibly closer to €3k.

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I do not see how an agent can overcome the need to proveyour identity by passport, carte, driving license when you appear at the licening office ?

I would have thought that even if the invoice address differs the bill for the property would suffice, failing that choose a bill you pay by standing order and change the adress to your French house. 

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I do not see how an agent can overcome the need to prove your identity by passport, carte, driving license when you appear at the tax and licening office ?

I would have thought that even if the invoice address differs the bill for the property would suffice, failing that choose a bill you pay by standing order and change the adress to your French house. 

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Hi All,

Thnaks for your replies

I am changing the address on a couple of things at the moment. When I went to the office last time I took my Passport,Tax Habitation statement and water bill which quite clearly states the address in France but the "helpful" lady said it was not my principal address (why would I pay someone elses Tax and water bill !?) The problem at the moment is I only seem to get to France over weekends when all the offices are closed. The reason I posted this was, awhile ago I used to see adverts in the French mags offering services to help with car reg. and suchlike. Looks like I will just have find the time to finish it off. I have a Fench car with my name and address on the carte grise - does that count as proof of address?



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