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Health cover whilst visiting the UK (continued)


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Further to my original topic I raised, my wife & I have just returned from the local CPAM office at Ruffec. Presented our attestation to the official and asked for the E111. He was very friendly and efficient and after a couple of entries on his computer, printed off the forms that we required.

It has been said that you may not need these documents in the UK, but better safe than financially sorry!


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We have just done the same but we are getting the new European medical card which takes about 2 weeks to arrive.

If they printed the form out is it actually an E111 or some other form? We were told E111's are no longer being issued in France.

I'm sure no one would refuse us treatment in the UK but if we are known to be non resident I'm also sure there would be charges without the E111/European card, the same as if we had a problem in Spain.

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As things are at present in France most CPAMs etc are issuing European Health Insurance cards but some organismes conventionées are not yet geared up to the new card and are issuing E111s valid to the end of 2005. If you need to go overseas before the European card is ready (as said above, they take a week or two to prepare) then you can have an E111 to cover you in the interim.

Anybody is entitled to medical treatment in case of emergency in Britain, on the same basis as an ordinary British resident would receive. Whether you have an E111/card or not there will still be charges for prescriptions, or things like dental work over and above what is covered by the NHS. Having the relevant piece of paper or plastic, however, does prove your entitlement to emergency treatment in the unlikely event of any problems.

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