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Cancelling Auto Assurance at renewal date - How Do I.


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I have decided to cancel my car assurance with AXA as besides messing me about I have found somewhere cheaper. I know I have to write to them 2 months before hand and I have a model letter which I will use. However, the model letter has a phrase in it within which I am expected to write something but I do not know what to write or where to find it. Can anyone help?

The phrase is

"Conformément à l’article ……. de ce contrat, je suis tenu(e) de résilier ce contrat à sa date anniversaire, en respectant un délai de prévenance de …… mois"

I think it's asking me to put the clause/article number from the AXA contract of assurance which refers to cancellation but I was not given a copy of the general terms and conditions, I've looked on AXA's website but I can't find anything.

HAs anyone had similar problems or know which article I need to refer to?


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Yes I understand this is usually the case but as I'm insuring via the internet I would like to do this myself to ensure it gets done.

The last time I did this with AXA they refused to accept my reasons for cancellation (again at renewal time) which were because the motorcycle was/is in pieces in the garage being restored.

Thanks for your reply though.
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