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Sunday Driver's Fan Club


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I am setting up a fan club for Sunday Driver (Dave in real life, I understand) and I am his No 1 fan!

He is so brilliant at answering people's driving questions, not matter how trivial, no matter if he has answered a question before.

He is a (inter)national treasure.

Who wants to be his No 2 fan?

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I'll join too.  It isn't just in the driving category, he is very

informative in all categories.  As was said, there are several

forum members who always seem to offer really good information. 

Dave is one of them. 

Many thanks Dave !  You are appreciated !

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  • 4 years later...

Blimey, I didn't even know him then because I'd not heard of the Forum in those far off days.

But, IF I HAD known and HAD heard, I'D HAVE BEEN a fan.  Can you sort of do this retrospectively?

Oh, never mind, I've now learnt my French Conditional Tenses so I don't mind saying I would have been, etc.

When we first came here to live, it was completely through SD's advice that I knew how to re-register my car.

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Ahhh, Sunday, what it is to be a Saint; be careful or your place will become a shrine and then they will all expect coffee or spirits, but becoming a second Lourdes means you could sell those awful little statues filled with nuns' pipi and have a larf.

I keep promising to visit him in Sabrina but it is up a hill from here and Sabrina is currently acting as airing cupboard.

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Ok - I want to join as well because when we first came we were told it was a nightmare to register our car here and no-one ever took all of the correct information to the relevant place.

One quick glance at SD's instructions, print off, in and out of the prefacture in about 10 minutes, slightly worse off financially (!) but with car registered !
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I want to join also even though the OP is a few years old.

SD is always spot on with his posts and you don't have to worry about the facts, unlike others on here. Keep up the excellent work not only on this forum but the others you give your excellent replies to.
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[quote user="elamessa"]I want to join also even though the OP is a few years old. .[/quote]

Mmmm.  I am....  But getting younger every day....

Now onto registering my 3rd car and still have the notes that SD sent me all those years ago.

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