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New Law - Controle Technique


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There is a new law that requires any UK registered vehicle to produce a full Certificate of Conformity as well as the log book to have a Controle Technique..

Is this the 'system' clamping down on all the illegal UK registered vehicles that are currently driving around in France, I hope so.

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Whilst there has undoubtedly been something afoot I do not believe there has been any new law requiring a C of C for a CT and very recently a friend got 2 UK regged vehicles CT'd and registered with no mention of a C or C whatsoever, just the harmonised V5C's.

Unfortunately simply requiring a C of C for the CT will itself not do much to stamp out illegal UK regged cars.

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If your tester refuses to carry out the inspection without a C of C, then I would suggest changing tester. I also am unaware of any change in the rules regarding this, but have had a couple of testers in the past get the humpf with UK cars as they dont have the "Type" letter code to hand which is on a French carte gris. This makes it a bit more hassle to enter the cars details into their computer before commencing the test.

Im not sure if its universal with all marques, but my prefered tester pointed out that the vehicle VIN code contained the Type code for the last UK car I took to him - Its just a case of being able to pick it out of the long string of letters and numbers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Iceni (John)

It isn't that well-known; I didn't know, for instance! I wouldn't otherwise have gone to the trouble of registering my car, motorbike and caravan if I thought I could just carry on as if I was a visitor and not a resident! The Connexion have been known to make mistakes before.

I think Jimmy (above) has made the point succinctly. I see loads of cars/vans with UK plates and I've been told by many of them that it's not necessary to re-register. (Just as they continue to work on the 'black'). I believe the French Government thinks otherwise. It's all fine and dandy until you have to make an insurance claim, possibly involving injury or even death, and then the insurance companies suddenly realise the situation and decide not to pay out as you haven't complied with the law.

This is going to open another can of worms, and it's a topic already discussed many times, so I apologise in advance to all those groaning readers out there.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]


John was pulling your leg...........[;-)]

The registration of motor vehicles and payment of associated taxes is compulsory for everyone living here, just as it is for people living in the UK or anywhere else for that matter.

It's that simple.


OK SD, There was steam coming out of my ears again. Apologies to Iceni/John if I rattled him.


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