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Disabled badge in France


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I have a 90 year old relative living with me who had a disabled badge in England as he was still driving,it runs out in November.  As he is no longer driving can he obtain a disabled badge over here to use when we go shopping etc.?

Someone told me just to get a form from the Mairie and give it to the doctor, if anyone has any knowledge of this would be interested.


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Yes, you can apply but I should warn you it takes an average of 4 months, even to renew.  The ability to drive is not relevant but the person concerned must (in theory!) have been in the car when it was parked in a blue badge space.

  I'll get you the link to the form, which you can download then your doc' and the applicant should fill it in.

I'll be back (unless someone gets here before me!)  I posted it before (in the disabilities section)

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Here you go:


It covers the full Carte d'invalidite but is still the one to use for the parking pass (your relative may be entitled to other stuff also, I don't know) - just make it clear it's the parking bit you're after.  Send to your local MDPH.  I'd try to get the address for you also but I can't tell where you are!

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Yes, as cooperlola says the dossier you download or get from your Mairie contains forms for several different things, so make sure you choose the right bits of paper for the blue badge.

I got one for my mother, who's 91 and doesn't drive any more (thank goodness!) She takes it everywhere, incl the UK, and we find it useful in bigger towns where it's hard to park, eg when she goes for medical appts where there is no car park at the clinic.

Your GP will have to fill in the medical report page, so take your relative to the doctor with the paperwork. Our GP added in that Mum doesn't speak French and so if I couldn't park near our destination and had to leave her alone on the pavement she felt confused and worried.

It only took a month to come through.

To find the address of your mdph, type 'maison départementale des personnes handicapées' plus the N° of your departément into google.fr

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Thanks so much for your help, I will download the form and give it a try.  We are in the Vendee, only thing is he's living with us and nothing is in his name apart from his bank account, hopefully they will accept this.

thanks again


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