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Private car sale scam?


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I saw an advert on a well known French small ads website for a Renault Kangoo 4x4 , 2002 for 2000 Euros, in good condition etc.

I contacted the seller assuming a mistaken price but received a reply to the effect that the car was good, all paperwork was correct etc. and that it would be delivered to my home as the ower was going into hospital and wanted to sell it, not for the money, but to ensure that it went to a good home, and that if I gave him my name, address, phone number he would arrange that the carrier, who has the vehicle, would arrange delivery to my home.

OK call me suspicious, but is this a scam?  if so, how does it work, I thought I had seen most of these sort of things, but this is new to me and I can't work out the angle on it.

Of course, it could be genuine, but I tend to work on the premise that if it looks too good to be true, then it almost certainly is.  A typical value for this vehicle would be 2 to 3 times the asking price.

Any comments??

Reply to my initial contact below:

De plus, tous ses papiers sont en ordres:  carte grise, certificat de non gage, carnet d'entretien, convention de vente, facture d'achat, une copie de ma carte d'identité...

Raison de vente:

Cette vente est due à une faiblesse de santé. Je la vends pas pour de l'argent mais pour lui trouver un bon propriétaire qui saura bien l'entretenir. Ma santé est critique car j'ai des PROBLÈMES RÉNAUX et je dois voyager pour passer une opération chirurgicale.

Ainsi n'ayant plus beaucoup de temps pour préparer mon vol, j'ai contacté un transporteur particulier à qui j'ai confié le véhicule et tous ses papiers.

Il vous fera la livraison à votre domicile sans aucun frais de transport car j'ai déjà tout régler en ce qui concerne son transport.Vous n'aurez rien à payer à part les 2000€ du prix du Véhicule.  Pour la livraison, le transporteur a besoin de vos coordonnées complètes:


Nom et prénom:.. ...............

Adresse de livraison:.. .......

Code postal et ville:. ..........

Numéro de téléphone:. .......


Il me faut vos coordonnées afin d'entrer en contact avec le transporteur, histoire de convenir rapidement d'un rendez-vous pour la livraison à votre domicile. Pas la peine de me faire des propositions ridicules.

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I can't work out the scam - perhaps if they asked for bank details, etc., then I would be suspicious but if you were paying by cheque, cash, etc., then where is the scam?

Is there a service where you can check the registration number, like you can in the UK, to see if it has been stolen or been in an insurance claim? Perhaps doing this might make your mind at rest.

And, re "it's too good to be true", I heard of a classic Jaguar car advertised at £100. The buyer assumed it was a misprint and £1,000 or even £10,000 (can't remember which). No it wasn't - the lady's husband had left her and gone abroad and the divorce settlement said that she must sell the car and give him the money from the sale. Which she was doing. For £100. Well, the legal papers didn't say that she had to sell it for its current value, did they?

So there are bargains to be had out there occasionally ...
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[quote user="nectarine"][...........]

And, re "it's too good to be true", I heard of a classic Jaguar car advertised at £100. The buyer assumed it was a misprint and £1,000 or even £10,000 (can't remember which). No it wasn't - the lady's husband had left her and gone abroad and the divorce settlement said that she must sell the car and give him the money from the sale. Which she was doing. For £100. Well, the legal papers didn't say that she had to sell it for its current value, did they?

So there are bargains to be had out there occasionally ...[/quote]

I think that's one of those urban myths - see here. I appreciate the Snopes site lists a Rolls, a Porsche, and a Cadillac, but there's probably a Jaguar or two to be found in there somewhere.

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