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Autoroutes Blocked?


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I think 'blocked' is being confused with the go slow lorry protests supposedly occurring on various sections of the motorways. Different terminology but much the same effect [:(]

Travel during the night would probably be a good plan, truckers enthusiasm must surely wane between supper and breakfast !

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[quote user="ITMA"]Some info to be found HERE


En direct du Centre d'Information Routière Nord


Département du Nord (59) :
Actuellement présence de manifestants au niveau du rond point du Mine de Lomme. Circulation difficile sur le secteur notamment sur la Rocade Nord Ouest ( RD 652 ).
Fermeture de l’échangeur 2 ( sortie Mine de Lomme ) sur la Rocade Nord Ouest, sens Englos / Wasquehal.

Opération escargot sur l'autoroute A1, au niveau de Seclin, sens Lille vers PARIS.
De fortes perturbations sont constatées suite à cette manifestation.

 10 Véhicules circulent à vitesse très réduite.

Département du Pas de Calais (62) :


Département de l’Oise (60):


Département de l’Aisne (02) :
Sur le secteur de Tergnier, à Charmes, des manifestants bloquent la circulation au niveau du rond point, jonction D1044 et D1032 provoquant 4km de bouchon.


Département de la Somme (80) :



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I travelled the day before this posting, there were some manifestations slowing traffic to a standstill but luckily not on my autoroute sections.

Can I suggest that anyone using the autoroutes tune in the radio to 107.7, its reasonable  music but more importantly every 15 minutes gives traffic reports, details of any blockages or delays be it a pedestrian on the road, a broken down vehicle or manifestation, it also tells you the fuel situation and if any of the service areas are affected.

Finally it is also broadcast in English, not every 15 minutes but with speech so heavily accented and fast that I find the French one easier to follow.

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One day last week I think lorries were blocking the border between Spain/Portugal and France.

Some people changed plans to get a ferry to UK from ?northern Spain.

We are expecting visitors this weekend who are travelling up from Portugal, on their way to Calais, so hope they make it.

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I had nowhere near the length of journey that you face but on the autoroute radio, and I cannot stress enough the importance of using it, there was only one blockage at Abbeville which wasnt on my route.

Having seen a similar manifestation on the Rocade D'Amiens I know that it isnt actually a blockade on the autoroute but on the roundabout at the top of the bretelle for the industria area where lories are being turned away, this soon backs up to the autoroute.

The autoroute radio was advising HGV's to leave at the exit before to avoid exacerbating the problem, this was also done at Amiens but there was the usual rubberneck phenomenen which added perhaps 20 seconds to the journey time.

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