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Selling A Car In France


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Can anyone out there help me I need to understand the rules/regulations for selling a car in France. Particularly the following:

* CT does this need to be new?

* CG what do I do with this

* Is it acceptable to insist on cheques clearing before releasing the vehicle?


Plus anything else I may need to know.

Thanks in advance.
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[quote user="tasng4"]

Hi, Can anyone out there help me I need to understand the rules/regulations for selling a car in France. Particularly the following:

* CT does this need to be new?

No, but the certificate must be dated no earlier than six months prior to the date of sale

* CG what do I do with this

Cross it out with a couple of parallel lines, write 'vendu le (date)' across it and sign it then write the name and address of the buyer on the 'coupon detachable' and hand the whole carte over to the buyer.  You will also need to obtain a certificat de situation administrative (French equivalent of the HPI report) and give it to him.  Finally, complete a three part déclaration de cession and give him the top copy.  You then send the second copy to your prefecture to tell them you've sold the car.  You keep the third copy - show it to your insurer in order to cancel your policy cover.

* Is it acceptable to insist on cheques clearing before releasing the vehicle?

It is acceptable to ask for a cheque de banque in payment so there's no waiting for it to clear.

Plus anything else I may need to know. Thanks in advance.



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Here is a link for the forms you need to complete. With this, you can fill in the form on your computer - copies 2 and 3 are automatically filled in at the same time.


Here is the link to the online request for a certicat de situation (which confirms no finance is outstanding on the vehicle):


Re. the CT, is it not up to the buyer to accept or otherwise a CT older than 6 months? Caveat emptor and all that?

Good luck.

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