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Motorhome Hire


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This might not be the ideal place for this post, but I couldn't find a better section so hope no one objects.

I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for motorhome hire in France, preferable somewhere on route between Calais and Le Mans. We are headings over to Le Mans for the 24 hour race and my Dad is coming with us, unfortunately he has mobility problems due to some cancer in his hip bones so a tent is definitely out of the question meaning a motorhome with built in shower and loo would be ideal. Whilst we could hire one in the UK it makes sense to pick one up in France as we cross so we have a car available to get around whilst at the race.

Anyone got a recommendation?

Cheers, Andy

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I can't help with recommendations but try here:


I'm sure you know all this and I'm teaching my grandma' but do get it done quickly as everybody has the same idea.

I too have mobility problems but must say I do manage with a full height tent, a camp bed and the on-site showers.[:)]

Have a good time - we'll be at the Courbe bar trackside 21.00 Saturday if you fancied meeting - look for a host of  Club Arnage t-shirts.  I'm the one in the wheelchair.

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Thanks for that, it is the one site I have found so far and looks like it has suitable locations, just trying to figure out how to ask for what I want with my very poor French!

I think Dad fancies a bit of luxury and has never been into camping much. Will look out for you if we are in the area on Saturday evening.
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We went to Le Mans for years when we happened to be in Europe at the right time, but haven't been since 1996. We used to just turn up and park our car and tent, or, later, our camper van, but as the years went by it all got more crowded and formal (and expensive). In 1996 a good camping spot cost me a generous pourboire in addition to the official charge..

Last time I 'phoned the ACO for information (probably about 2000) they told me I'd have to book at least a year ahead for a camping place.

Has this changed? - are there now more camping places? (I suppose it would be too much to expect more toilets).

Or do people use the car parks as camping places?

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Thanks for the offer of help with the language. I used the contact form on the website mentioned (with a little help from Google Translate!!) and got a nice reply back that they had a van near Paris, but we couldn't return it until Tuesday due to the Monday holiday, unfortunately we need to be back in the UK on Monday evening.

Camping tickets were booked a while ago (not arrived yet, however) as are parking tickets for parking blanc - will probably have at least one spare ticket in the end if anyone needs one.
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[quote user="andyps"]Thanks for the offer of help with the language. I used the contact form on the website mentioned (with a little help from Google Translate!!) and got a nice reply back that they had a van near Paris, but we couldn't return it until Tuesday due to the Monday holiday, unfortunately we need to be back in the UK on Monday evening. Camping tickets were booked a while ago (not arrived yet, however) as are parking tickets for parking blanc - will probably have at least one spare ticket in the end if anyone needs one.[/quote]Pity.  I see odd ones around here but don't know whether anything would still be available for race week.  I'll keep my ear to the ground.

You can offload spare tickets here :


(non profit making, before a mod' steps in![:)])

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