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french government approved translator in agen area


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[quote user="ITMA"][quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Why would you need a translation of your UK driver's licence?[/quote]

Probably because the Lot Et Garonne Prefecture demande it.[8-)][/quote]

But isn't the Photocard version in the same format, with the same details, in the same location, indicated simply by numbers, as in the French licence?



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That's cobblers, ask them to show you where it is required by law !

They won't be able to because it isn't.

Pickles, the UK photo licence is in the European format, the French one is not because they have not adopted it yet however the categories etc. are still the same.

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The problem appears to be that whilst most prefecture websites now simply provide a link to Vos Droits for the conditions relating to exchange driving licences, the Lot et Garonne prefecture have created their own bespoke web page which doesn't actually reflect the official position.

For example:

Comment faire la demande ?

Vous devez présenter :
• Une demande d'échange de permis de conduire, remplie et signée
• Une pièce d’identité
• 2 photographies d’identité
• Le permis de conduire et sa traduction officielle
• Si vous êtes de nationalité étrangère, le titre de séjour ou de résident
• Si vous êtes français, l’attestation d’immatriculation ou de résidence délivrée par le consulat de France.
• une enveloppe affranchie au tarif ordinaire et libellée à vos nom et adresse, afin que votre permis vous soit envoyé par voie postale
• le règlement de la taxe régionale de 52 €  

The items highlighted (my italics) are only required for non-EU licences/licenceholders but there is no mention here of the differentiation.

It's not clear whether the Scotty is merely acting upon the website advice or whether he's tried to obtain an exchange in person and been sent away by the prefecture to obtain the translation.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

It's not clear whether the Scotty is merely acting upon the website advice or whether he's tried to obtain an exchange in person and been sent away by the prefecture to obtain the translation.


[/quote]Exactly, and until you know for sure it's very easy to say that thing aren't necessary until you're put on the spot.  My own prefecture insisted on a tax document which is not mentioned on any government website and they would not take no for an answer even though my tax office had no idea what the thing even was!  And no matter that I had the official form and instructions from the French Legislators' website - they were not interested.  "In the Sarthe it's like this and there's no argument" was their attitude.  It was all very polite but unequivocal (and my French isn't bad so it wasn't a language problem.)  From what ITMA says it sounds like the same sort of thing is happening to Scotty.
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We're Lot et Garonne and when we had our French licences a few years ago no official translation was required. Personally, before going to the expense I'd go in and check it out. By the way if you don'd live near Agen you can use the sub-prefecture. We did it all in person.
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