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Kit cars in France ?

Onion van man

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[quote user="Onion van man"]How would you get a 'kit car' registered in France ? I'm assuming its going to have to under go the French version of an SVA ?

OVM - I understand that it is difficult. I do know that there is a Renault garage to the west of Tarbes (just off of the main road that runs below Tarbes linking the east and west junctions of the motorway, the garage is near the west junction of the motorway) that has a Morgan clone kit car, with French plates. The proprietor does not speak English so, if your French is up to it, it might be useful to give him a call.


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Hi onion man, if you have a look at my question, long shot I know. There is someone who states they have registered a kit car, give him a try. michael

By the way what one is it, I must admit that I loved playing around with kits and classics when in the UK, but a land rover lightweight to play with and found that I could not deal with the paper trail, so sold it here on e-bay, odd thing was it sold for more money then if I had spend  time and money on it, or very odd. French and their paperwork.

anyway give hime a PM, all the best. michael   

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A kit car would need to pass an SVA in order to be imported into France.  If it's a current production model by one of the UK manufacturers, then they will be able to supply the necessary technical documentation which will form the basis for the French test (they will already be doing this for the UK SVA).  If it's an old 'home built' car based on something like Cortina running gear, then I suspect you will have difficulty.

Best idea is to put together a technical dossier, then go and discuss it with your DRIRE.  I expect they'd welcome the challenge and they should be helpful in advising what you need to do to pass the test.  If, for whatever reason, it can't be done, then at least you'll know.



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Interesting question, as a previous kit car builder / owner (RS200 replica - proper job- perhaps we should have another thread on cars built !!!!) I know it was difficult enough to get registration in the UK and that was 10 yrs ago before SVA !!!  If you have all the receipts and the SVA info I think you may have the basis to start, but without that paperwork, who knows ??  Let us know how you get on. 
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I had a Westfield SE before we came to France. We brought it to France on holiday about 8 years ago but were advised then by an French enthusiast that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to register here. It was a self-built kit using parts from various different donor vehicles. We sold it before our move. I've seen 'Merlin' kit-cars several times with French plates but I've no idea how they were built or registered. 

SD has given the common sense and practical reply (again!), so if you're up for the challenge......good luck!


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I was at a vehicle show a couple of weeks ago at which I spotted three 3 wheelers kit cars clearly based on Citroen parts, (the name escapes me damnit!).

2 were RHD with one on French plates and the other on British clearly suggesting that it is possible to get them registered.

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Well, Eight replies in one day! I guess the question sparked some interest. The car in question is a Davrian, I have owned the car for the last 12 years or so and really would be unhappy to part with it as its such a rare car. It was registered here in the UK as a brand new car way back in 1973 and has a current V5c. My plan is to strip and rebuild it in the barn when I get to France.

I know there is another one in France somewhere as I was going to buy one from a guy moving to France but, he came back for the car in the end and took it with him.

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Ah Ha.....[:D]

As your Davrian is over 30 years old, it will qualify for registration as a voiture de collection.  To do this, you apply to the Federation Francaise des Vehicules d'Epoche (FFVE) for an attestation certificate (exemption from type approval).  Download the application form from their [url=http://www.ffve.org]WEBSITE[/url] and send it off together with a copy of your V5C, copy original purchase receipt, French quiitus fiscal certificate, two photgraphs of the vehicle and a cheque for 50€. Their attestation is sufficient for registration at your prefecture.


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That's what I thought at first when I saw them at a distance but it definately wasn't the name they carried, nor were they both the same. It may come back to me...or maybe not !

I took some piccies but they're at home still on the camera.

From a distance the third one looked like more like a Morgan, being all alloy bodied etc. but in reality it was based on the same Citroen running gear as the other two. French regged.

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Hi All


Lomax kit cars are still being built in Sussex also in Holland where they are known as Le Patron

Also the cars ErnieY saw where more than likely Lomax, the aluminium body one was more than likely a Pembleton Supersport if it had three wheel's

If it had four wheels possibly a Pembleton Brooklands also you may have seen a Yellow JZR with three wheel's with a 1000cc Moto Guzzi engine. 

I know of quite a few Lomax in France


Regards Peter

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Hi all,

The 3 wheeler seen could possibly have been a BRACV3 which again is alloy / fibreglass bodied. and Ive been told there is a guy in France who is in contact with the new owner of BRA who will  supply the relevant paperwork. Hope this may help.

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The cars could possibly have been Blackjack Avions, three wheelers with a 2CV engine.  But teh 2CV engine is a staple of many kit cars.

Anyway, this is a question that I'm particularly interested in since we plan to take our Blackjacks and register them in France but haven't really a clue where to start.  I've been given a few false leads including some people suggesting that you retain the UK registration, taking them back for the UK MOT and with UK insurance.  All very well until you have a prang (hopefully not) at which point the awkward questions start ...

Anyway, I posed this question to a kit car magazine in the UK and, funnily, this month they are making a small feature of it and asking readers for answers so if any good information comes in then I shall certainly share it with you all.


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I'm sure Sunday Driver will have the information you need to register your kit car in France. I bumped into an old friend the other weekend and his brother who has lived in France for many years was with him, He didn't seem to think that any car registered in the UK would be a problem to register in France.

He gave me exactly the same info as Sunday Driver as regards my Davrian.

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[quote user="nectarine"]including some people suggesting that you retain the UK registration, taking them back for the UK MOT and with UK insurance.  All very well until you have a prang (hopefully not) at which point the awkward questions start ...[/quote]Definately NOT the way to do it.

The basis of UK car insurance is that the insured person is UK resident, if not it's only valid up to the point of impact...!

Don't be fooled by French insurance companies offering to sell you policies on your UK registered car as some are known to do. No axa to grind here [;-)]

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Any body had any experience of registering a Caterham 7 in France? It would be a LHD one, either shipped over from UK or bought in Europe..  I guess it would follow all the usual procedures, I'm just wondering which is the easiest route, one delivered in bits... or a completed car (used)



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