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UK licence - speeding ticket


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I have looked for the answer, but so far not found.

For the first time in a 40+ yr driving career, I have received a speeding ticket.  Not going to dispute it, as I think it was when I was trying to get around one of those horrors of a wagon slowing down/ speeding up and wandering around, and I did see a flash (It was a three-lane highway, so not dangerous, no one contesting as it were).  It says 96 in a 90, speed retained 91 (was it worth the amount of paperwork I ask, it was certainly not a dangerous manoevre) but I shall  pay the fine (my first as I say) but my question is this:

It says loss of points - yes.  But from all the goobledegook in (very) small print I cannot work out whether I need to do anything - I know (from reading all the posts) that they cannot take points off  my UK licence.  The question is, how reactive do I have to be.  If I don't do anything, will they chase or not??  If I have to change, I will, but just need to know what might happen if I don't do anything.


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Just pay up or you will find yourself in trouble. Prompt payment for notices sent to your home address sometimes have a discount for prompt payment. That said, they all have a fine increase for late payment.

It is unlikely that you will be pursued to get your UK licence changed for a 'one-point' penalty but it may happen.

They just come around and knock on your door. [Www]


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Thanks Bugsy,

Payment already in the post - I had seen the flash so not entirely surprised, (And I was back down to the correct speed once I'd done the overtaking manoeuvre which is what is so annoying, ) but I didn't really want to be fussed with the licence just at the mo.

I'll leave it and see what happens next ....

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[quote user="Judith"]If I don't do anything, will they chase or not??  If I have to change, I will, but just need to know what might happen if I don't do anything.

Pay the bill & that's it.  Do nothing else.

I've been 'done' 3x in 7 yrs and never had a follow-up. Mrs G was driving on each occasion of course. [;-)][:-))]  

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It may well be right that you don't need to exchange your license (after all, if a  record is kept of points lost,then I assume that if you ever went over the limit then somebody might be able to join the dots and catch up with you?) but what happens re one's insurance?  Aren't you obliged to declare any lost points for your policy to remain valid?  I don't know that any of this is right, just interested in case it happens to my o/h one day.  I have a French license so no "safety net" any more if I ever get caught![:-))]

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If you look at the letter that came about this then you will possibly see a note saying that the point off will be cancelled if you do not get done again during the next two years, but maybe not as you don't have a French permis . Mine was.............JR
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I called my insurance company a few years ago and asked if they ever needed to be advised of points lost. The lady got uppety with me, as they would not do such a thing. Still that was about 4 years ago and things may have changed. I didn't think to ask what would happen if a license was withdrawn completely, re the no claims bonus. After all if there was no actual accident, the insurance company would never know about points lost or a losing a  license completely.

I'd be interested to see if that has changed in the mean time.

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Unless it's changed it used to be 1 year for 1 point.

I think it's well known that points lost by non French licence holders are not recorded anywhere and if there is no accompanying demand for a licence exchange then they effectively do not exist.

I'm surprised the insurance companies don't want to know, maybe it's only after an event that they suddenly do !

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If you change the carte grise to nominally one of your children, the youngest preferably, then you will be able to pay directly any fines imposed for speeding but the system due to the logical incompatibility with the relational administrative file structure will not be able to validate any loss of points.

Fine paid and no points...keep driving.[;-)]

Un véhicule peut être immatriculé au nom d'un mineur.

Dans ce cas, la demande d'immatriculation doit être signée par la personne ou l'institution investie de l'autorité parentale ou du droit de garde.

La procédure d'immatriculation d'un véhicule pour un mineur suit, pour le reste, la démarche habituelle.

Vous recevez l'amende et vous devez la payer mais il n'y a pas de retrait de point dans ce cas precis flash au radar.

En revanche si vous faites arreté c'est votre permis qu'on prend en consideration car vous etes le conducteur donc c'est a vous qu'on retire les points.

Now thats useful!

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