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Well finally we are to get the keys to our new build at the end of next month.  It has taken two and half years.  Now need to start the nitty gritty of arranging insurance. etc.  We have a french bank account with Credit Agricole and I know that they offer house insurance so I will have a look at them.  However, I did read a while ago about the complexities of having suitable insurance to cover accidental damage by paying guests staying in the house. Have checked on the search but I think I must be doing something wrong as I can't find it.  Any advice would be really appreciated.  In fact any advice regarding setting up telephone, electricity etc would be great.  Its all in place, just the practicalities of getting it sorted.



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Hello Michelle,

With your name I would think you would speak good French.

If not and you are near a large town you may well find insurance agents for AXA etc. who could make life easier.

France telecom, EDF and the water cos. usually have local offices and if you go in with your bank details you can set up accounts with direct debits on the spot. That's what I did on the day I moved in this April and there have been no problems. The bills arrive and the direct debits follow a few days later.

My French is very rusty.

Good luck,
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Hi Michelle,

Congratulations and good luck.

We are moving to the Dordogne in 2 weeks (7th November) and one of my first priorities was to get the phone line installed for family contact and of course, the internet.

I telephoned France Telecom last Friday and they promised to be at my property between 8 and 10 in the morning of 8th November - amazing!!

The cost will be 105 Euros - which includes 50 Euros for the guy who has to put in the new line. Incidentally the person I spoke to also set up my Direct Debit there and then, so another hurdle overcome.

What's even more amazing is that they have a number for English speakers - link below.


Hope you find this useful

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