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SatNav / GPS speed cam warnings


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I'll be driving in France again this weekend, my first return trip since before the legislation banning satnavs giving warnings of speed cams.

I've just downloaded the latest software for my Garmin which supposedly complies with French law.

Having read all the posts a couple of months ago when the new legislation was first introduced I've seen nothing much on the topic since - my question is whether any contributors to the forum have actually experienced police checks on their satnavs, or has it been another storm in a teacup?


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The gendarmes don't actually have the right to examine your GPS, apparently. In any case, if you have the latest Garmin download, it complies with the French regulations, referring to "dangerous zones" which may or may not contain a camera.

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Thanks Pickles,

I think I read some time ago that the gendarmes didn't have the right to examine the satnav - but that the douaniers could do so.

I've got a clear conscience as my satnav is supposedly now "road legal" - but I was interested to learn whether anyone had actually experienced any action as a result of the new legislation - or is all the excitement now about impending breathalyser requirements!
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We have been subjected to a stop-check since Jan 1st (A9 entry at Sete, since you asked). French regd car, GPS was in full view. They only checked the carte grise, insurance cert and my (UK) driving licence. No check of the GPS. No check of gilets (which were not on view).

Others who did not have their documents did not fare well - instant PV.

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[quote user="NormanH"]You got a traditional Midi welcome then [:)][/quote]

It WAS Sunday afternoon, so I suspect that they were more interested in my reaction to being stopped, and the smell of my breath (overloaded with garlic, as it happens).

BTW NH, I've sent you a PM on a different subject.



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[quote user="Mr Ice-ni"][quote user="Pickles"]The gendarmes don't actually have the right to examine your GPS, apparently.[/quote]

Shirley you are not advocating telling a man with a gun that he doesn't have the right to do something? Brave or stupid?[/quote]

I'm hoping that either:

a) the guy with a gun also knows that he doesn't have the right to do something and hence is less likely to do it (unless of course he's from the Douanes, in which case, as in the UK, he's probably got the right to do absolutely anything at all)


b) the guy with a gun doesn't know how to check the functionality of an English-spec Garmin

But in any case, the guy with the gun is welcome to check: mine IS France-legal!

Having seen a Gendarme explaining a finer point of law whilst gently swinging the dissenting party by the throat, I'm not minded to cause problems.

And stop calling me Shirley!

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[quote user="daktari"]So ... can I conclude that despite all the initial excitement when the legislation first was enacted, nobody has actually experienced a check on their SatNav?[/quote]

A rather brave extrapolation indeed Doctor Terry...and all this time I thought the salient purpose was to increase revenue from speeding fines.

Are the customs at the Skotch Border targetting french vehicules?

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[quote user="powerdesal"]''Are the customs at the Skotch Border targetting french vehicules?'' Where the heck is that???? ( and what is a ''vehicule'' ?)[/quote]

vehicules - is that a shortened american one where they like to pronounce it veeehiccule

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

[quote user="daktari"]So ... can I conclude that despite all the initial excitement when the legislation first was enacted, nobody has actually experienced a check on their SatNav?[/quote]

A rather brave extrapolation indeed Doctor Terry...and all this time I thought the salient purpose was to increase revenue from speeding fines.

Are the customs at the Skotch Border targetting french vehicules?

[/quote]No customs on the roads between Scotland and England so lets skotch that rumour[:)]
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