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Hello helpful people

I've just been to DRIRE (DREAL i think they are called now) to ask for the certificate thingy so I can get the car immatriculated in France. I've got the Quitus Fiscal, the CT is booked for Wednesday, the lights have been adjusted OK, so all i'm missing is the CofC.

The lady at DRIRE said no, they don't do that certificate thing (Attestation d'indenticication d'un vehicule importe...) anymore and I have to ask Jaguar France for a CofC

The last time I did this was for a Suzuki Jeep and it cost 60 odd euro. They did have a bit of a flap as the weight on the V5 didn't match their information, but I eventually got an official stamp.

Have things changed so much? Or am I asking the wrong questions


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I think the info about DRIRE is out of date.  We got our carte grise 3 years ago.  Contacted DRIRE who said they don't do a cert of conformity.  Contacted Citroen in France and found it was cheaper to get a C of C from the UK branch!

We are now about to get a 2 yr old UK reg car into the system.  No C of C came with the car (wretched Bristol Street Motors told us to get from DVLA!  Rubbish.) We contacted Citroen Uk again but I can't find their email reply.  It will cost of course.  They don't provide a C of C with their cars.

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Yep, the CT chap probably wont do the test without the C of C. Information from it is required to set up the computer for the test. If your tester is flexable, he may be able to work out the vehicles "type" code from its VIN, which will allow him to test it, but this is nowhere near certain.

For the certificate, contact this chap.....

LIEVRE Sylvain


Division de JAGUAR LAND ROVER France SAS

Service Homologation

34, Rue de la Croix de Fer

CS 70337

78105 Saint Germain en Laye Cedex

Tel : 01 61 01 68 18

Fax : 01 61 01 68 96

E-mail: slievre@jaguarlandrover.com

But don't expect any change from 180 euros.

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Thanks for the info folks

The CT went OK. Just some dodgy tyres to replace, which I already knew about any way (and some fiddling adjusting the lights).

They got all the info they need from the V5, so I have a CT Verbal to take to the prefecture.

The CofC will come from Jaguar UK, they have emailed me the forms I need to fill in. They will even supply it in French at no extra cost, £100, but about a 3 week wait.


Maybe someone could amend the forum sticky note to take out the DRIRE stuff as it's no longer relevent



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[quote user="AnOther"][quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"]The CT went OK.....They got all the info they need from the V5, so I have a CT Verbal to take to the prefecture.[/quote]You woz lucky !

This is the 3rd car we have imported from the UK and the V5 has always worked for us. Maybe this is one of those french department variations. Do other people in other departments have problems?

I'm hoping one day I will be able to afford a 2nd hand french car and avoid all this paper chasing...but i'm going to have save my cents for a few more years yet to do that!!

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