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Van battery for auxiliary equipment

Alan Zoff

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My LDV van has provision for a second battery but it had been removed by the previous owner. There is wiring across from the main battery, presumably to keep the auxiliary one charged, that has simply been taped up.

I can't find any info for the type/rating of the auxiliary battery. The spec I have found refers only to the main battery. As far as I can see, the auxiliary is supposed to power the cab internal light, and some roof lights and a couple of small fans in the storage area of the van. There is also a row of 12 volt sockets in the back for other items to be plugged in but I can't think of anything else I would want to use there. 

Is this likely to mean that any light duty car battery should do the trick, or are auxiliary batteries different in some way? The RAC website shows a Bosch S2 41Ah for £30 which I am tempted to buy but I thought I should ask someone who knows more about such things before ordering, in case it was the wrong thing entirely. 

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If it's not for use as a starter battery then I would have thought a leisure battery would be more appropriate, as specified for caravans or boats. Usually you need a split charging arrangement to keep these topped up, I don't think you can simply extend the wiring to include another battery in series.


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Thanks Sid.

As the secondary wiring looks to be an original fitting, I guess it caters for split charging.

The van was originally used by the Police as a surveillance vehicle. It looks like any other boring old van but the back was kitted out with seats, lights, fans, inter-com and spy holes so that the boys in blue could lie in waiting while it was parked up near a store, factory, petrol station, etc that was being targetted by bad boys. When the crooks appeared, and had perhaps been caught on camera, the plods would presumably jump out and catch them red-handed. No cameras but the rest of the stuff, including a control panel, was still in the van when I bought it. The walls are lined with a carpet-like material.

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I've found that they're considerably more than £30 here in France. The last one I bought was 106€, but it depends on the electrical capacity and physical size too (to fit the battery carrier or box).

This is a good place to start: http://www.batteriemegastore.fr/ (website option in English too). I've had several different battery types from here, lawnmower, motorcycle, etc.

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Thanks again Sid. Yes, their UK store is 10 minutes from our English house.

But for £30 I went with the Bosch cheap deal from RAC. Just about to set off for French house and they even deliver next day for free  to a UK address within that price. Should have it tomorrow. It's not a leisure battery but hopefully, the charging circuit will keep it topped up for a while - at least until a battery fails on one of the kids' cars and it mysteriously disappears from the van.

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