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Selling a van without CT or Carte Grise


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I've had a read of all the threads I can find and appreciate that all vehicles must be sold with a CT no more than 6 months old but if this is impractical is there a way to sell a vehicle as spares or sans CT these days?

We have a RHD Renault Master ambulance that we bought from the UK with the intention of converting in to a camping car but its just not gonna happen. Given its value in the UK and the cost of getting it back to the UK from 71 it's just not worth it so the only option is to sell it here but th cost of getting it through a CT, replacing headlights and immatriculating also doesn't seem worth it.

I'm tempted to bite the bullet and proceed with conversion/registration but any advice would help


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I don't believe there's anything illegal in disposing of this vehicle to another person so long as they understand the situation. If it was me I'd write the bill of sale/receipt with that on it.

Somewhere in your area there will be a breaker's yard/spare parts dealer. Why not go and talk to them as they should be able to see some value in it for them even if it only gets it off your property.

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There's no problem in selling a vehicle for spares. Make it clear in your ad that it has no french registration documents and is for spares. If it is a runner, you can say so (eg: "vehicle roulant mais sans carte grise francaise, Pour pieces").

I sold a Laguna on German plates with a wrecked engine via leboncoin.fr.. The cost of repairing it myself would have exceeded the value of the car - but I got 1000 euros for it! I had 8 replies to my ad.

Leboncoin has a category for spares and cars for breaking "equipement auto".

You can download a "DÉCLARATION DE CESSION D’UN VÉHICULE" from http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/R20300.xhtml to use a bill of sale. Fill in only the bits that apply and write on it somewhere "vendu pour pieces". One copy is for you, one for the buyer and one for the prefecture, which you can bin as its not French registered.

It might be wise to declare it exported to the DVLA (fill in the appropriate bit of the V5). You could give the V5 to the buyer, in case he wants to go through the process of registering it.

Good Luck

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Yes you can sell a vehicle for spares or without a current CT but you must declare in the relevent boxes on the Cert de Cession to cover yourself. My neighbour across the way sold a wreck with no CT for spares only recently and it seems the buyer has now re-registered it with a new number plate as it is often around.There is a way around most things to do with selling vehicles here but do cover yourself and keep copies of everything from the original paperwork and carte grise just in case it comes back to bite you on the bum and also get the purchaser to sign an attestation from you that you are not selling a vehicle for use on the road but for spare parts only!
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It might be wise to declare it exported to the DVLA (fill in the appropriate bit of the V5). You could give the V5 to the buyer, in case he wants to go through the process of registering it. Ron-sur-Marne==========

Be careful if you do this though!! We sent the DVLA the bit about exporting a vehicle. Before we got round to re-registering the van (UK tax and insurance had run out) we sold it on to an English builder who was keen to get a bigger van. He was going tp re-register it as a french vehicle. I phoned the DVLA and told them we had sold the van on in France did they want the name and address of the new owner ( as he was English)? They weren't interested. Result was about 2 months later we had a ticket from a council in the south of England (sent on by our tenant in the UK) for using a vehicle with no tax!! The s***ing builder had gone back to the UK in it!!!
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