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buliding site tax d'habitation


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I thought that if your house had less than two  fully fuctionimg rooms then you did not pay tax d'habitation. I have been landed with a wapping tax this year and yet I only have one fully functionimg room advice greatly recieved . in the Maine et Loire areaThe rest of the house is a building site




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  • 2 weeks later...
on a similar vein.....I've recently started renovation work after gaining permis de construire. Now I have received a tax bill (Taxes d'urbanisme) which charges me 700 euros to be paid 18 months after date of permis was granted, and then another 600 euros 18 months after that ! Does any kindly soul know what this tax is for ? I can't find reference to it in any books.
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I just told myself it was a 'just so' tax and for all it has been mentioned on this board no one else EVER seems to think it worth a mention at all. Not the notaire and in our case the builders. And if I asked one of them once I asked them both a hundred times EXACTLY what we had to budget for. I frankly nearly had a fit when it arrived.

The good thing is that these payments are one offs and what they are for, well who knows, just another tax we have to fork out.

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