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New style Driving Licence

John Brown

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I have had my licence for well over 10 years and I knew that the new ones only last that long. My paper one is good till my 70th, which isn't very far off [:-))][:-))][:'(]

The ones who don't know the 10 year thing must have their heads very deep in the sand?

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Typical DM mis-reporting and BS but it's hard to know where to start with that piece as it is peppered with untruths

"This, say insurance experts, is causing confusion and could also render drivers’ insurance policies invalid.

Although the DVLA recommends a fine of

£1,000 for those caught driving with an invalid licence the police have

the discretion to fine what they see fit.

As well as

risking a fine, penalty points and even a ban, driving with an expired

licence can also invalidate car insurance because the legal entitlement

to drive has ended,
said an LV= spokesman"

Wrong - wrong - wrong

Insurance requires that you 'hold, or have held and are not disqualified from holding', a driving licence. That means you do not even have to physically possess a licence, just be entitled to, and whether a photocard is in date or out is completely irrelevent and in no way compromises your entitlement to drive, it is a purely administrative matter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Apparently a new regulation is: asking for legal translations of old English Driving  Licences when you go to exchange your licence for a French one - will be interested to know if this is true and how many people might find this problem will crop up, as friends did today.
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Is Keni referring to a request for a certified translation, rather than a new regulation? i.e. a legal translation? I know some places ask for daft things at times; all part of the standard interpretation of regulations! [;-)]  For example, I've just had to apply for a new (photo) Carte Vitale and my CPAM insisted on a certified translation of my birth certificate, even though I already had an old CV for 8 years! Perhaps they couldn't believe how young I looked for 65!  [:D]

You can't argue with them, either you supply the required documents or you don't get want you want. Fee for birth certificate translation: 42€.  

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Yeh, it's a certified translation. We didn't need one for our change in November, but apparently now in Rochechouart, two months later, they are asking for a translation. I contacted my neighbour (he knows regulations etc) and he says they don't need to change their licence unless they have any driving violations, which they haven't - their problem is they've just discovered their English licence has run out - so might be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, unless they can get all the translations done. We know somewhere in Limoges near the prefecture - will suggest she e-mails the docs to the person, then pick them up on way to prefecture - will make it easier I think.

'Article 222-2.

Toute personne ayant sa résidence normale en France, titulaire d'un permis de conduire national délivré par un Etat membre de la Communauté européenne ou d'un autre Etat partie à l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen, en cours de validité dans cet Etat, peut, sans qu'elle soit tenue de subir les examens prévus au premier alinéa de l'article R. 221-3, l'échanger contre le permis de conduire français selon les modalités définies par arrêté du ministre chargé des transports, pris après avis du ministre de la justice, du ministre de l'intérieur et du ministre chargé des affaires étrangères.

L'échange d'un tel permis de conduire contre le permis français est obligatoire lorsque son titulaire a commis, sur le territoire français, une infraction au présent code ayant entraîné une mesure de restriction, de suspension, de retrait du droit de conduire ou de retrait de points. Cet échange doit être effectué selon les modalités définies par l'arrêté prévu à l'alinéa précédent, aux fins d'appliquer les mesures précitées.'


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I can't believe how lucky I have been!

My new licence came a couple of days before Christmas and I sent my old UK licence and my marriage certificate, neither of which was translated.  Not only that, my new licence was completely free as in gratuit![:D]

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Sweet, My licence exchange was straightforward too, and the new licence arrived within days, no charge (we're in 79), so it's odd that I should get this request for a birth certificate translation for my CV.   Same département, different department! [;-)] [:D]


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