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How not to Pay income tax in the UK

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Debra - our situation sounds similar to yours. I worked out the figures at home from uk tax forms, statements from the Inland Revenue etc and the people at the tax office here accepted my figures without question. The only complicated bit is having to pro-rate as the dates of the tax year are different in each country. Sorry not sure of the numbers of forms used but the official will guide you on this. Pat.
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[quote]Please note that you cannot use the 2042(s) form you may be sent, if you are declaring anything other than wages earned in France. Am I reading this right - if we are resident in France but earn no...[/quote]


Look at the previous  post 12 october, it says

"There are two forms to be completed in Debra's case.  It is Section 8 on the Declaration des Revenus" (2042) form that needs to be completed and Section 8 is headed  "Autres imputations ( sounds painful ) , Reprises de deductions d'impot, conventions internationale, divers"

BUT you also have to complete the 2047 form, Declaration des revenus encaisses a l'etranger"   You will not normally be sent this form, you have to ask for it or download on line. 

You put your UK taxed income in section Vl, its headed "Revenue imosable de source etrangere ouvrant droit a un credit d'impot egal ou montant den l'impot Francais correspondent a ces revenus"

You declare the gross income on UK incone, including Govt pensions not the tax paid on it.  It may be tax free in the UK but it does count towards how much you pay for your Health care after your E106 runs out 

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Thanks Ron - but it was that post which confused me and which I quoted the bit about not using form 2042 from:

Please note that you cannot use the 2042(s) form you may be sent, if you are declaring anything other than wages earned in France.

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[quote]Thanks Ron - but it was that post which confused me and which I quoted the bit about not using form 2042 from: Please note that you cannot use the 2042(s) form you may be sent, if you are declaring ...[/quote]

OK Debra I see where the confusion might be.  There are two 2042 forms, one is a (s) simplified form and is for people  with salaries and French pensions only,

The 2042 is the normal form.  This is the one that you have to use in conjunction with the 2047.

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