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Car "rescue sheets"


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My daughter sent me the email below this morning: Sorry about spacing,  can't see how to change it..  She works for an American owned company in Germany.  We think this is a very good idea and will print off the sheet.


"Yesterday we had a training, and at the beginning they always do a safety minute (very American!).

This time it was interesting, as we were told how - as cars are becoming

safer through design - the fire brigade often has difficulties getting

people out of a car when there has been an accident.


Hence the German ADAC has started a campaign, which is not law but

recommended, that cars should have a rescue sheet behind the sun visor on

the drivers side.  These sheets include all information needed - airbags,

strengthened sections, petrol tank, gas tanks (very important if the car

uses gas - they don't want to hit that!), and all sort of other things.


In the information we were given, there are also car stickers, which then

tell the emergency services that such a sheet is in the car.

There is an English internet site about this.


I have attached the rescue sheet for the Up! as PDF for you.  I have found

no information on the ADAC site about the stickers, but will ring them

later and ask.  "


Mrs H.

PS: We love our (admittedly top of the range) Up!  but have seen no others at all in the 6 months we have owned it. Any others out there?


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