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Electricity Charges!


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I have tried 'Search' and have been on the EDF web site, but still I have not seen the light! Could any kind person explain how the Tariff system works and how to get the best deal! What time of the day or night does the reduced rates cut in?

We have been living here for two years and not to put a fine point on it, we are still in the dark as to how our accounts are calculated.

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Thank you Aquenais for your reply and I went to the site you mentioned and would you believe it,it was all in French! What a liberty! (Only joking!)I trawled through it and made sense of it and I am now more enlightened.

I studied my last account and confirmed that the Heures Creuses,(hollow hours')when the price of a unit is cheaper is from 10pm until 6am. But I could not determine how much cheaper it was! But I suppose it is worth waiting until those times before you put your washing machine on.

If anyone else has any more helpful information for me and all the other high payers, please do not hesitate to add your two euros worth! Thank you!

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If you are on the tariff where you get cheaper electricity at night then your bill will show two lots of consumption with the appropriate different prices against each. I think (but am not certain) that there are other tariffs available.

To make certain that you are on the correct tariff to match your lifestyle visit your local EDF office and they will run your appliances, heating etc through a simulation program and advise you of the best tariff for you to be on. 



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You are very welcome Lautrec, glad it made a bit of sense.  I think it is about 35-40% cheaper from 10 to 7.  With the icy weather, the heating is cranked up after 10 and on goes the washer and dryer.  Could not cope with the red white and blue days, friends have that and on red days they sit in gloom not using anything electric.....
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Thanks again Aqenais regarding the percentage reduction after 10pm. I have just stirred myself from my computer and turned on a couple of radiators!

Again I display my ignorance and ask you; what are red, white & blue days. It sounds like they boost up the charges on public religious holidays, when more people are home using extra electricity! Is that the case?

It would appear that we are in for one of the coldest Winters for a decade, so any tips on how to lower the electricity bills are very welcome indeed.

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Lautrec
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The price per unit on heures creuse is something like (in Euros)

0,1057Cents Full Rate

0,0644 Off Peak

With the Tempo tarrif the peak / off peak rates vary not only by time of day but according to edf's load.

They announce the colour of the day the afternoon of the preceding day (red, white and blue) and there are something like 22 red Days, 43 white days, and the 300 blue days. The colderthe day the higher the tarrif which is something like

   Blue    0.0446 Off Peak Rate    0.0553 Full Peak

   White  0.0907 Off Peak Rate    0.1075  Full Peak  

   Red     0,1682 Off Peak Rate    0,4702  Full Peak  

The benefit of Tempo is that your subscription is lower and most of the year the juice is cheap, but on the red days...........

The really good news is that you can get a run of red days (in fact the whole of this very week  monday to thursday has been 100% red) see last years pattern




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[quote]You are very welcome Lautrec, glad it made a bit of sense. I think it is about 35-40% cheaper from 10 to 7. With the icy weather, the heating is cranked up after 10 and on goes the washer and dryer....[/quote]

TEMPO is the name of the system you were looking for. We are on this system and actually find it very good. You have to keep in mind that you save 68.7% on your standing charge which makes a big difference plus in the summer your AC running costs at next to nothing. For us thats a saving of 782€ per year in standing charges which more than covers the offset in parafin that we use on red days (we have three electric parafin  heaters).

If I had one complaint about TEMPO it would be that we can't use washing machines, dryer and electric oven on red days but you learn to get round this. I guess it's not a life and death situation just a bit of a bind at times, not to mention bad on my hands what with having to do the washing up by hand.

There was another post in which somebody said TEMPO is being or has been withdrawn but I can't find any information on this s if it is true then can that person point me to where they got this information from.

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They say no news is good news!, how true that is after reading the comments of BJSLIV and Quillan! We have been living here now for two years, but were unaware of these sliding scales of electricity charges. Where ignorance is bliss etc!

It is frightening to learn that the charges per unit on a red day are four times more than a white day! To think of the money we have paid out for our washing machine, dryers and the four electric radiators on red days without realizing the extra cost! The mind and our bank account boggles!

We are using a log fire at nights and we have also a calor gas heater. So I think another similar heater or a petrole one is called for; to use on those red letter days and then go easy on the electric switches!

I am sure that I am not the only avid reader of this Forum and there are bound to be others like ourselves, who did not know these facts two years down the line. If so, please comment, as I hate to think that we were the only ones!


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Ooh,Lautrec,I think there might be a few crossed wires here!!! Not everyone is on Tempo ( the one with red,blue and white days).You must subscribe to it,one of my homes has Tempo but another doesn't cos I don't believe it would save me money on that property-in this case I have cheaper electricity between 2am-7am and 1.30-4.30pm- I chose these times from a long list offered to me and this works really well.The whole tariff thing seems  quite complicated but once  you realise how it works it's fairly sensible really


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Oh,Lautrec,I think there might be a few crossed wires here!!! Not everyone is on Tempo ( the one with red,blue and white days).You must subscribe to it,one of my homes has Tempo but another doesn't cos I don't believe it would save me money on that property-in this case I have cheaper electricity between 2am-7am and 1.30-4.30pm- I chose these times from a long list offered to me and this works really well.The whole tariff thing seems  quite complicated but once  you realise how it works it's fairly sensible really



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Oh,Lautrec,I think there might be a few crossed wires here!!! Not everyone is on Tempo ( the one with red,blue and white days).You must subscribe to it,one of my homes has Tempo but another doesn't cos I don't believe it would save me money on that property-in this case I have cheaper electricity between 2am-7am and 1.30-4.30pm- I chose these times from a long list offered to me and this works really well.The whole tariff thing seems  quite complicated but once  you realise how it works it's fairly sensible really



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Oh,Lautrec,I think there might be a few crossed wires here!!! Not everyone is on Tempo ( the one with red,blue and white days).You must subscribe to it,one of my homes has Tempo but another doesn't cos I don't believe it would save me money on that property-in this case I have cheaper electricity between 2am-7am and 1.30-4.30pm- I chose these times from a long list offered to me and this works really well.The whole tariff thing seems  quite complicated but once  you realise how it works it's fairly sensible really



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Hi Lizzie,

You are just like my wife. She always repeats herself three or four times! But all kidding aside, if what you say is correct, I am getting myself all worked up for nothing!

The only way really to resolve this, is to pop into the EDF office in Ruffec and get everything explained to us and then explore all our options!

So thank you again! Now I will be able to put the heating on tonight as we are not affected by the red letter day!

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