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A little warning when displaying parking tickets


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I don't think I have ever paid for parking in my life, aside from pay upon exit stuff like multi-storeys and airport parking. And even then, if you are quick you often dont have to pay!

I have only ever had one ticket since I passed my test, so that worked out pretty well, I would say!

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I would like to add that paying for parking is quite rare for us but sometimes you can't avoid it. It's free in the centre of town between 12 and 2, but then again, the centre of town is closed between 12 and 2, and there is only so much window shopping I can cope with.

If I had said to wifey,  on crutches,  "...sorry love...let's not spend the 80c on parking, you can shuffle to your appointment as long as we leave lots of time" I know where one of those crutches would have ended !!

Plus, parking outside the moto-school and paying the 1€ parking for two hours was better than walking into town in full leathers carrying helmets. I only want to wear a helmet, not look like one.


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