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Complete France Forum

Dealing with DRIRE


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I am trying to help a friend in getting his vehicle registered in France.  He only got a 'partial' certificate of conformity together with a letter informing him he should go to DRIRE.   I found the local DRIRE number and phoned them.  They said they would send him a dossier to complete and, when they received this they would contact him - either to see him or to let him his dossier was not completed fully.  What sort of information will he need to give for this dossier?  If the certificate of conformity is only partially completed - where does one obtain all the specifications required for the car -I did ask, but the lady I spoke to didn't know and I don't understand these things as, when I registered my car I didn't have to contact DRIRE.  Any one with experience of this situation who could answer my question? 


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It has the potential to be a real hassle.

When I did my Landrover, I received a certificate of partial conformity, and they included 30-odd pages of technical specs for the vehicles....weights, measures, power ratings, etc etc.

Pretty much everything I needed was in this document.

For the drire paperwork, I had to get the vehicle weighed at a weighbridge, despite the weights being stated in the spec, and had to do a couple of pages of basic mathematics, calculating centre of gravity in relation to overhangs and axle positions etc.

All in all, it took a few months and in my particular case, was a complete waste of everyones time, but thats France for you.

More details here....


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Imported commercials will often be problematic because there are far wider variations between ostensibly similar models sold in different countries and it's for that reason they do not normally have European CoC's in the same way that passenger cars do hence the partial and the advice to make an appointment with the DREAL.

Wish them good luck, I think they may need it !

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