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Breakdown attached to French Car Insurance


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No such thing in France as far as I know. My insurance Co. said if you are near home and ask the recovery service they MAY take you home. I suggest you look at ADAC, I have been a member for a couple of years now and recently a friend of mine used that service, he was repatriated home off the motorway and given a hire car to complete his journey . See the thread below for past discussion:


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My car broke down and I had to ring its French insurer's help line. They were most efficient and towed it to a garage (of their choice), then sent a taxi to convey me back to my house, about 30km away.

When the car was ready, the insurance company sent another taxi to collect me and take me to retrieve it.

Obviously I had to pay for the actual repair.

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When ours broke down 4 years ago (before joining ADAC) we were about 400 kms away. They authorised a tow to a smallish garage (owned by the tow man) though we wanted to go to the main Citroen dealer less than 20kms away. When we got to the small garage it was obvious that this guy wasn't going to be able to fix the car for weeks (major problems) and so we had to pay for him to take us to the main dealers. By the time he got us there it was after 5pm. The insurers had given us the choice of hire car or accommodation. We plumped for the hire car and paid our own accommodation so that we could get a devis from the garage in the morning. The job was destined to take a week (engine out). We then had to return to collect it by taking train and taxi. Hence my original enquiry. Locally the problem is minimal.
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So what is the problem with ADAC? My only objection is paying for the recovery service included in the insurance premium but cannot think of any other way around it. At least a breakdown near or at home is covered by the insurance whereas ADAC only starts 50km from home, so in effect all contingencies are covered. If you had  been covered by ADAC at the time of your breakdown you would not have had any problem with recovery to home, hire car etc.

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I have no problems at all with belonging to ADAC. It was just thinking whether I could cut costs. It is immediately after our experience of a breakdown away from home that we actually researched and joined. My only reservation is whether at the point of telephoning from a breakdown there'd be somebody who could speak either English or French as my German is virtually non-existent.
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My friend's recovery was flawless. He spoke to ADAC on four different occasions while in France (they phoned him three time to make sure he was getting the service he wanted) and once from the UK. Each time there was an English speaker available. I've spoken to two different people there this week to pay my premium and they both spoke perfect English.

I would like to know why we cannot have much better service in France? If I'm away form home in France, Spain, UK, Italy or elsewhere I don't want my car taken to a local garage, I want repatriation for both family and car to my home or a garage of my choice. Your experience only reinforces the need for a decent recovery service.

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Direct Assurance claims that if you pay for their add-on "serenité" they will take the broken-down vehicle wherever you wish. There are others who offer similar possibilities, but the majority seem to just take you to the nearest garage (though some qualify this by saying the nearest qualified garage or else saying that they will take you in preference to a garage of the appropriate marque (concession) if possible).

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[quote user="Jay"]My only objection is paying for the recovery service included in the insurance premium but cannot think of any other way around it.[/quote] Although it's usually included by default it's actually an optional extra so just tell them you don't want it !

I have ADAC but haven't had to use them yet.

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[quote user="AnOther"]

Although it's usually included by default it's actually an optional extra so just tell them you don't want it ![/quote]

Well I didn't know that. I'll have to see how much that costs and decide if it's worth it for recovery within 50km of home. I suspect I will still have to keep that option.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It doesn't say you have to be resident in Germany to become a member of ADAC, it says you have to be resident in Germany to use the online subscription service. If you don't have an address in DE you have to arrange your membership over the phone, is all.
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