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Complete France Forum

Certificate de non gage/certificate of situation??


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Is this document absolutely necessary when a change of ownership means changing the name on the documents?

I've followed several links and it always takes me to a page, which I fill in the details and then get the following message:

....Aucun dossier ne correspond à la recherche. L'opération ne peut se poursuivre.....

We have the certificate of cession.

Can anyone help please? Many thanks
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The prefecture dont ask for it. Its kind of like an HPI report to prove to a buyer that there is no problems with the cars history (finance / destruction order) and serves no real administrative purpose.

If you want one use this link....


click on Commencer, in the bottom right.

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Unless your buyer is asking for it forget about it.

If he is then he can do it himself if you give him the necessary info which is:

The Registration number.

The date of first registration of the vehicle

The date of the current carte grise.

The name of the owner.

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