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Taking car to UK


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We have just sold our house and returning to the UK with our car which we bought in the UK and had it registered here in France 4 years ago.

On leaving France what happens to the Carte Grise? Are there any forms to fill in to say you have taken the car out of the country?

Also does anyone know the new correct procedures for

registering it in the UK. Is it MOT first, then insure?

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Nothing happens to the Carte Grise until you re-register back in the UK. It is the title to the car as proof you are the legal owner like a UK logbook used to be so I would imagine when you come to complete all the formalities to re-register back, the DVLA will demand the Carte Grise be sent to them for cancellation and a new UK equivalent issued. You ought to contact the UK authorities and find out the procedure so you can prepare. One thing you would need to do is officially cancel your French insurance or it will automatically renew each time and they should be aware that the vehicle is out of the country and will be eventually insured in the UK so need to update their records and you may only have a very limited insurance cover period too just as people moving to France get.
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The first thing you must do is report the import to HMRC via the NOVA procedure and yes, it still applies even if it is the same car you exported from UK.

According to the strict letter of the law you will be UK resident from the moment you set foot back in the country and that means that technically you cannot drive a foreign registered car there, not even if you are in the process or changing the registration.

Just saying and you'll probably be OK but if you did happen to get pulled by a snotty plod, and you told the truth that you are UK resident, you could end up with the car being seized.

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I am assuming that you have "sold" but not yet completed the sale. If so, take the car back and register it in the UK NOW, before you complete the sale and whilst therefore you are still resident in France. You will then be OK to drive the French-registered car in the UK because you will still be French-resident, yet will also be able to take it to be MoT'd and then re-registered in the UK, before the sale is complete. The car can be registered to a temporary address at which you can be contacted if you have not got a permanent address lined up yet.

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