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Brexit - Driving Test In France


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If the UK crashes out with a no deal then your little pink driving license will become invalid in France. I think ???

You will therefore have to take your test again in France and get a French license. Like the Americans.

So would you be prepared to take your driving test in France to be able to drive on French roads ?

I had this discussion this morning with OH and I said....no I bloôdy would not. LOL.
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]If the UK crashes out with a no deal then your little pink driving license will become invalid in France. I think ???

You will therefore have to take your test again in France and get a French license. Like the Americans.

So would you be prepared to take your driving test in France to be able to drive on French roads ?

I had this discussion this morning with OH and I said....no I bloôdy would not. LOL.[/quote]

I suggest that you look at the requirements and problems that third country nationals currently experience before making sweeping statements.
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Like some Americans - not all.

Licences from the following states can be exchanged -

But licence categories that can be exchanged vary.

-Delaware -Maryland -Ohio -Pennsylvanie -Virginie -Caroline du Sud -Massachusetts -New Hampshire -Illinois -Iowa -Michigan -Wisconsin -Arkansas -Oklahoma -Texas -Colorado -Floride -Connecticut
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The American licence situation has been explained, it’s not all American licences as you suggested, it’s those states that France considers to have a rigorous enough driving test system that can be exchanged. There has never been any question that the UK system would not be acceptable. It doesn’t concern me, I have a French licence.
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]If the UK crashes out with a no deal then your little pink driving license will become invalid in France..............[/quote]

I don't think so.

My little pink driving licence was issued in France, and is still valid.

LOL. (Little yellow smiley sticking up a finger)

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