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So when do I get my points back?...


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In March 2015 I was done for not waiting long enough at a STOP sign. I was docked 4 points. I think those were due to be restored after 3 years, i.e. in March 2018.

However, I was flashed for speeding in mid Jan 2018 and docked another point. That point was restored after 6 months, but I was advised I still have the other 4 outstanding.

Can anyone tell me when I can expect them to be restored (assuming I am a perfect citizen between now and whenever)? I tried asking my local police station, with whom I am on fairly agreeable terms (!) and there was much head-scratching and no consensus on the answer.

Thanks in advance

Chrissie (81)
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So not till 2021 then. Boo.

Can I go on any kind of course to restore the situation? We are moving back to the UK sometime this year and I will need to get car insurance there - I imagine it will be more expensive if I have points deducted.....

Which gives rise to another thought - will my current French insurers be aware? Should I have informed them?.....


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Chrissie, you will probably find that you need to switch back to a UK licence before you can get a UK insurer to insure you. And I am pretty sure that you will get a clean UK licence, any points added/lost do not follow you when you swap licences.

UK insurers these days tend to be very fussy about you having the same address on your licence, your log book and your policy, I don't think they will accept a French licence.
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A few months before we left husband went over to the UK and bought a UK reg. car. Then we sold our french car and van.
We rang Churchill from France and the agent spoke to each of us on the phone. I can't remember if he asked how many points we had, but he did ask about accidents. I had had one bad accident when my car was a write off, I thought I would be refused, especially as I'm ancient. But he agreed to insure both of us.

I don't drive much here anyway, and we're probably going to change to UK licenses soon.
Husband still had one point, I had none, in spite of the accident.
Chrissie - you could try filling in an online application for UK insurance and see what questions they ask etc.

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I agree that points don't (currently) follow you when you swap French for UK licence, but I understand you cannot switch back until you have been resident in the UK for 183 days.

I have had quotes from a few insurers using my French licence, so I am about to sign up for a 2 day course near me to get this back up to 12 points. Then I plan to do as PatF's husband did, and go to UK and buy a car, bring it down here for bringing last bits and dog etc back up to UK, getting rid of the French car altogether.

Have to say there are so many things to think about that my head is spinning. Perhaps we should have a new section on the Forum called "Going Back to the UK"......!

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