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Complete France Forum

Exchange driving licence

Mr Huge

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I have been trying to use the ANTS site to change my UK licence for a French one. I have an ANTS identity. The site tells me that I already have an application in so it can't process a new one,. But that isn't true. Most of the time it just sends me round in circles. I am going slowly mad here. Is this a common experience? Is there any point in going to the sous-prefecture?
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Have you tried humouring it - ask it to display the details of the application it thinks you already have in, and see what stage it's got to?

Maybe you unintentionally clicked on something that started the process, and it will let you carry on from where it thinks you left off.
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First, this is indeed a common experience.

Second, there’s no point in going to the sous-prefecture. It’s ANTS or nothing I’m afraid.

Third, going mad is quite normal. I had to wrestle with the system in order to obtain a replacement Carte Grise for our stolen car. Within days, I became a gibbering wreck and Mrs G reckons that five months on, I’m only just beginning to show signs of recovery.

None of this is much help, but without knowing what you’ve done and exactly where you are in the process, nobody is really going to be able to give you advice. The only thing you might get is somebody telling you that they did it first time with no problems.

Just hang on in there Mr H and display that true British grit. I got what I needed in the end, but I still don’t understand how.

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"there’s no point in going to the sous-prefecture. It’s ANTS or nothing I’m afraid".....

I wouldn't dismiss the idea......

I was an early user of ANTS when I sold a moto and even with the buyer being completely fluent in French the system still defeated us so we went to our sous prefecture where they sorted it out very quickly......

Don't know if it's still the case now but back then the prefecture had computers and helpers who would walk you through it.................

Formatting seems FUBAR'd hence the............!
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Wasn't saying it wasn't Judith, only that one of the ladies at the sous prefecture was more familiar with ANTS and was able to navigate through it and solve the problem which had thwarted us.

Can't remember exactly what it was but I do recall that she logged in with my credentials meaning that whatever the problem had been it was something which I/we could have fixed ourselves if we'd known how.
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