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Dossier Familial


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I have an account with Credit Agricole and through them I get sent a copy of Dossier Familial magazine every month or two and for this I pay about 40€ annually for this magazine which I do not read. Does anyone know how I can cancel this?

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They slip in all sorts of charges.  You have to check your statements and go in and see them if there is anything that you do not understand.  They do have an English speaking helpline:

Crédit Agricole Customer Services

15 Esplanade Brillaud de Laujardière

14050 Caen Cedex

Tel: 0033 (0)2 31 55 69 69

Even though they are in Caen, the English speaking service is for the whole group.

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Send this letter with a photocopy of the magazine wrapper details:

Monsieur le Directeur

Dossier Familial


41103 Vendôme Cedex


Your name and address here

Je vous prie de bien vouloir prendre acte de la résiliation de mon contrat d'abonnement à la revue Dossier Familial sans délai.

Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués.

your name here


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I cancelled ours last month by going into the local branch and signing a pre-printed document that effectively stated I didn't want it any more.  I did used to read it but the info is available on sites like this one and french television (if you watch it  [:P])


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