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Paying EDF/GDF on line

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I have just gone through the Espace Services section on the EDF website and hopefully paid my bills online for the first time. As with the Tax d'F and Tax d'H it was fairly easy to do. My only concern is that (I may have misunderstood this) it seems that in my email acknowledgement that they are asking me to print off and post a copy of the RIB to my local bank.

If this is the case I may have just posted back a signed RIB in the first place.

Have I got this wrong?





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French banks require things in writing, so as you are in allowing Edf to take their money by an occasional direct debit you have to tell the bank to expect and allow the demand from Edf.

You won't have to do it again next time.

 Personally I find it much easier to do the thing automatically with an on-going direct debit.

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