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Property taxes

Rob G

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We bought our house in Normandy (76) at the end of November.

Can anyone tell me when we should be notified of our taxe d'habitation and taxe fonciere, and who should be notifying us?

And are there usually various payment options for these taxes - e.g. monthly payments?



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The occupier on 1 Jan of any year is liable for local taxes for that year. So you will not be liable for 2005 taxes, but you will for 2006. Normal practice seems to be for the notaire handling the house sale to collect your portion of the taxe foncière and pass it to the seller, so you may have unknowingly already paid that for 2005. The demands are sent out by the centre des impôts for your area and should be paid to your nearest trésor public. Taxe foncière is generally payable in or around October, taxe d'habitation in November or December, so you will receive the demands a few weeks before the due dates. You can set up a monthly payment through your trésor public, but you will probably need to have received a demand before you can set this up. 

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Thanks, Will, for the info. Yes, when we signed for the house at the

notaire's office, he had us give a cheque to the previous owners for

the tax for the remaining part of the year.

Just to clarify, are both the taxe fonciere and the taxe d'habitation payable to the local tresor public?

I might try to contact them and ask about payment arrangements - I'd really rather not get hit with a massive demand in one go.


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[quote user="Rob G"]Just to clarify, are both the taxe fonciere and the taxe d'habitation payable to the local tresor public?


Yes - quite correct - or at least they are at our corner of Normandy. The demands for the two are sent out by different tax offices though.

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Lille is the collection centre for "etrangers."

I tried to pay at local Tresor Public and was told it was payable to Lille, but they would forward it this once.

Not sure you can pay by instalments but then mine is only 120 euros per year.



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