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cheques d'emploi and CPAM


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I've got into rather a mess which will probably prompt thoughts of 'serves you right'. I moved to France 18 months ago and obtained CDS on basis of savings (since spent most). As we were then considering moving back to the UK for a bit to take up a work contract to boost savings before returning here again i did not apply to join CPAM. No contract was forthcoming. I have since become unwell and have been seeing doctor on sort of 'pay as you go' basis. I have a job offer here in France but its not to start for 3 or 4 months. I would like to obtain a carte vitale in case i need treatment for serious illness. Before leaving UK I was exempt from NI due to part time work and hence not entitled to E106. My question is, can you enter CPAm with no proof of earnings OR if i managed to get the future employer to employ me now on part-time basis paying with cheques d'emploi would this entitle me to healthcare even though earnings low. ANy advice gratefully received.
Best Regards
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Lou - I hope you dont get any responses saying "serve you right" - we all make mistakes. I hope that you manage to sort your probllems out and everything works out for you.
I dont know about cheques d'emploi but if you have a letter from Newcastle refusing you an E106 you should be able to get healthcare in the interim. I suggest that you start from there and try and get things straight.
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Firstly everything is very different here and we all have to stumble along until we get used to it,so basically it is not your intentional doing because of your work situation and coming and going to the UK, although getting health cover is really something that should be a priority especially if you have kids or decide to get pregnant. That aside, if you can get your future employer to take you on now on a part time basis,then you should be able to ask to join the system. I do a job which is for about six weeks per year and I had to apply for a Carte Vitale on my own account even though I already have one under the family insurance anyway. It is not only for health cover whilst working,but pension & holiday pay etc too. You will need to get every bit of paperwork you have together and ask for an application form for a CV at your local CPAM. They will want your CDS to photocopy,birth certificate,any current medical insurance papers and the whole process can take upto three months to clear the system until your carte arrive.
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