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Earning a Living in UK


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Yes, you did read this correctly and I 'm a complete oddball on this site ! After 23 years living and working in Paris (married Frenchie, you see..) I am toying with the idea of moving back to the UK to work, returning home w-ends. After redundancy and serious jobhunting in this frustrating extremely ageist 10%-rate unemployment country (less than 35% of over 55's are in paid employment,) am really considering a temporary move home and also to get back to my roots. London or SE as I have contacts there. Would really appreciate your input about possibility of acquiring employment at my age ( my god !) Worked in marketing/communications but wld consider P.A. position. Where would I start ?

I just want UK-therapy - shop at Tesco, have a couple of beers at a nice pub, get the Sunday papers, be able to buy my underwear from M&S.. be in my own country - really just get away from all the Frenchness that's been in my life for the past 23 years...

Wonder what all you francophiles think ?
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That's fine by me, if you feel the need to ask us for permission........

I reckon that on a Forum dedicated to "Living France" that you will be in a minority!

I have to ask, though; Do you need to work? I certainly wouldn't if I didn't have to. If the answer is yes, then I guess that you haven't got a choice but to return to the UK. Pity really because I, like the most of us, strive to stay here.

Good luck, whatever..

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We've been here 23 years now and are moving back in around 17 months now.

I can't say that I see any appeal in moving to the SE though, although I'm sure that you would find work there. I've never lived in the SE, that is one thing that the posters on here have succeeded in doing, putting me off wanting to ever do other than visit the sout east......although we have good friends who live in London...and they are happy living there.

And I think that moving from your part of France to the UK, you won't find that much of a difference with regards to crime, etc etc. Look at all the changes there has been in France in these last 23 years.

As far as I can tell, there are two sorts of France that are mentioned on here. And the majority seem to live in a place I don't know at all.

I know I'll be OK when I go back,and I'm sure you will too.

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Hi Teamedup,
Finding work is not all that easy for folk born before, say, 1955- anywhere in Western Europe it seems. But I've seen it done, - depends on what you do. According to the press, the UK job market thinks you're over the hill at around 40!!

I put down my own career almost exactly a year ago to help people of my own generation get back to work after they've found themselves 'washed-up on the redundancy beach'. One in five succeed but takes an average of 4 months deddicated effort.

You'll need to produce a good CV, two pages max, describing yourself, your skills, knowledge, and experience. You'll need to find some powerful things to say when confronting the question often found on application forms "Tell us why we should appoint you?", and you'll to be able to speak reasonably well about what you have to offer. Most people find that extremely hard.

After living all this time in France you will have some special skills and character, as well lots of interesting stories.
Good luck in your preparation, and don't give-in.
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My words of encouragement to Teamedup were meant for you too.

I think I'm beginning to see that those who have braved France in their younger days when there is perhaps more at stake, have come to know a different reality of France.

For those like me who come without those pressures, our experience must be shaped differently.

Unlike you, we would not have had the courage to come in our younger days.

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Thanks for replies & private messages. Yes I do need to work !!! (to pay university tuition fees for daughter) and yes I do realise that the UK has changed over the years as I've been hopping back on short visits over the years but never on a long-term basis.

Contrary to the vast majority of you, I did not choose France as my country of residence. I just married a guy who happened to be French, so living in France came as part of the package as it were....

I do have my feet firmly on the ground and need dosh to see me through the coming years & that in France is in short supply right now. Having worked all my life as "cadre" I refuse to accept working for a minimum wage doing something that I dislike doing. Maybe I'll fare better in UK, maybe not, but I'm up for the challenge...

Watch this space !!
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