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teaching in france


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Can anyone advise on teaching in France. We are moving to France in the summer - I am a primary school teacher and my husband is a chef. We can live on savings quite easily until we receive pensions, mine in a year and his in three years, but I would like to know what people think about us working. My husband already receives a very small French pension as he worked in France for six years many years ago and I will also receive a very,very small one as I also worked in France for a year. Would this make working any easier? We hope there wouldn't be any problem with us being residents in France with just savings for the time being. Any ideas out there please.
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Hi Carole

As you exit the teaching profession, I will enter it! I had thought, all along, that I would have to work in Jersey or Guernsey as there was a native-born frenchperson clause to being a teacher in Primary or Secondary. I have now been told this is not the case.

Also when I was recently talking to my french teacher about taking the concours (Concours de professeur des coles) or the CAPES (certificat d'aptitude au professorat de l'enseignement du second degr) because I'm doing KS 2/3 Science, she told me not to bother! According to her, all you need is QTS and experience and the ability to speak French! She told me a lot of her friends and people she knew came to the UK to do a PGCE after their first or second degree and then went back and taught in France as they had failed the Capes or the l'agrgation (for teaching in lyce or post-bac with a Masters, I think)

I will be interested to know what you find out!

Good luck and bon chance!
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Here are several sites that I found in the servicepublic.fr site which is always very informative these would be the organisations you would need to get hold of to teach english in schools - first stage is interview and then you have to pass an "habilitation definitive" to be accepted into the system. Contact them for more info.


DARIC in Caen -

168, rue Caponire
B.P. 6184 - 14034 CAEN CEDEX

DARIC in Rennes -

96, rue d'Antrain
35044 RENNES Cedex

look up "langues vivantes" in the menu on the left of the screen


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