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Do you have to earn a certain amount


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do you have to earn a certain amount, when self employed before you are aloud to live in France
I keep hearing different tales?????can anyone help
also what is the current situation with carte de sejour and id cards do you have to have one now? because again several tales???
Colin and Helen
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There is no requirement to prove you have a certain amount of money, but naturally you would not be popular if you turned up in France and after a few months went cap in hand to the Mairie.
If you require unemployment benefit for example, you need to have been paying into the system for at least six months.
If you are setting up a business then you need to be registered but with whom depends on the type of trade you undertake.
Once registered you will receive your SIRET number that you should display on paperwork etc.
As regards the carte de sejour this is no longer required and most official centres will accept your passport as ID.
I wrote on my site:

"FOLLOWING a recent change to French law the requirement for EU nationals to hold a carte de sjour has been discontinued.
"British passport holders can still apply for a carte de sjour if they wish to have some form of French identification.
"However, the British Embassy in Paris has said that your passport would suffice as an identity document.
"And went on to say that some prfectures are simply discontinuing the service."

All the best
Craig McGinty
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