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Internet Based Work In France

Richard Henderson

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My partner and I have recently purchased a property in Haute Vienne (87) and should be completing sometime this month.  We plan to run a small Gite business to supplement our income (Once I have finished all the renovation work!!).  Our main source of income will be internet based through a company in the UK (i.e The physical work is carried out on French soil but the work is from a UK Company and paid to a UK bank account) .  Currently this work is invoiced to the Uk company by us (i.e Self Employed) and an accountant sorts out the tax implication at the end of the year.

  1. Does anyone know what sort of problems if any we could encounter in terms of French Tax Law if we continued to operate in this way in France
  2. Could we be liable for dual tax when we start transferring the money from the UK A/C to the French A/C?

Any Comments would be appreciated.


Many Thanks




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  1. Does anyone know what sort of problems if any we could encounter in terms of French Tax Law if we continued to operate in this way in France

None so long as you register as self employed in France and pay your social charges, income tax and health charges in France.

  1. Could we be liable for dual tax when we start transferring the money from the UK A/C to the French A/C?

No, You will only be liable for tax, social and health charges in France, it will not matter if you leave the money in the UK - you still pay here. You will be liable to pay these charges on all worldwide income from the date of your arrival.

You should seek professional advice as these charges soon rack up and 60% could quickly be reached.


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I do exactly what you want to do and I am registered in France and have the Siret No to prove it. 

John was a UK accountant and if there was an easier or cheaper way, trust me he would have found it.  You will need an accountant for at least the first year as posted above.

As I always say, "I am a guest in this country and as such I am bound to abide by their rules".  Don't listen to those who tell you you can work via a UK Ltd Co, rubbish, and if you get caught and have to pay the back tax, those same people will not be there to offer you the cash to pay the bills.

I am really happy working and living in France.  It works for me and I really hope that it will work for you - all the best with your future plans, just make sure you get all the advice and legal stuff sorted before you come over, we did and very glad we are too.

Thanks again to all those LF members who helped - this really is a great resource.

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[quote]I do exactly what you want to do and I am registered in France and have the Siret No to prove it. John was a UK accountant and if there was an easier or cheaper way, trust me he would have found it...[/quote]

Dear Di and John - I note that you have just registered and are justly proud of it.

I have just paid a years cotisations, subscriptions, insurance etc (we didn't earn enough to pay tax for 2003) and realised that we worked at least 7 months for the French government.

I do hope you feel as happy being part of the French system at the end of a year.


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[quote]Dear Di and John - I note that you have just registered and are justly proud of it. I have just paid a years cotisations, subscriptions, insurance etc (we didn't earn enough to pay tax for 2003) and...[/quote]

Hi Helen

We are well aware of the costs and expenses of running a French business - made worse for us as we have almost all our clients in the UK and as they pay us in sterling we also have the currency hit and bank charges to add to the list of money pouring out (I would not have any UK clients if they had to pay in Euros as the costs would be far to expensive for them).

If I don't work I don't earn anything and so would be in dire trouble, at least I get some money coming in and so we can live.  John used to joke that his ambition was to pay £1 million tax a year - think what we would be turning over if we did that.  We can but dream .

The only thing guaranteed in life is death and taxes.

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