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Forming a Society/Association in order to work


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Hi all, I have seen mention of forming an  association or society in order to become legal to work and to pay your way into the system.  Presumably it is easier to achieve than become a self-employed person, an artisan for example.  Can anyone enlighten me as to the benefits of this system and how to go about it.



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To set one up or register as an artisan (can never remember the exact phrase in French) you need to go to your local Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). 

My old man is going through the process now and, believe me, nothing is ever easy.  All he wants to do is register so he can do the same job he did in the UK, for the same company even, from his desk here in France.  Then he can legally "work" here and pay the appropriate French taxes and social charges.  He doesn't make or sell anything - the company (his employer) he works for does it all in the UK!  Try explaining to the CCI how you can work here but not take any money from clients or actually trade in France. They just cannot get their heads around it! 

Good luck

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[quote]To set one up or register as an artisan (can never remember the exact phrase in French) you need to go to your local Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). My old man is going through the process ...[/quote]

To follow on from my previous comment.  Went back to the CCI today with a letter from my old man's employer explaining exactly what he did and how he was paid only to be told he had to go to the GREFFE for them to decide whether he is an Agent Commercial or something else.  The lady at the CCI still could not fathom it out and kept trying to speak to someone at "head office".  We went directly to the GREFFE at the slightly scary looking Palais de Justice and showed the lady there the same letter we'd shown the CCI and she immediately said Agent Commerciale was the route to go so no further dealing with the CCI (or so we are lead to believe!) and we left with a whole bundle of forms to fill in! 

Hey ho - one step closer (we hope!)

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