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Social Security number - how do I get one?


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I have just had a job offer dependent on producing a social security number. I don't have one as I have never worked in France before. I visited the CPAM today to be advised it is the responsibility of my employer to notify the CPAM that they have employed me the CPAM then issue me with an SS no.

I am worried that I will now lose my offer of employment as the employer may not want the hassle of the paperwork involved.

Does anyone out there have any helpful suggestions for action that I can take to reach a sucessful outcome?
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Sorry, that is how I got mine.  Someone more up to date may know if things have changed.

Had the number for ten years now and it is still temporary . . .  Did change from the MSA to CPAM and they gave me my 'permanant' one.  Caused chaos.  Especially when I went back to the MSA.

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If you benefit from free CMU (state health cover) due to, for example, not having earned enough to be taxed in France for the last two years, they should issue you with a temporary and then a permanent SS number.

If not, call your local URSSAF who should be able to tell you how to apply and what documentation you will need to supply.  www.urssaf.fr provides details of local offices and may also have more info on getting an SS number.


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I had a similar situation last year. CPAM refused to issue a SS number until I had proof of being payed in France, my employer said they couldn't pay me until I had a SS number. After going back and forwards a couple of times the payroll company managed to get me assigned a temporary SS number. Based on this I think it is the employer who has to make the move.




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