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You don't say what sort of trade you are going to start. For manual workers,taxi drivers,restaurants etc you have to register with your local Chambre de Metiers and attend a stage for one week in french to learn how to run a business and this will cost you £100+ At the end of the stage you will enter the system and in course a Siret number and TVA registration will be sent to you and then you start paying social charges. For other trades you need to see the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. When you set up your business you must have proper paperwork with all your registration numbers printed on it.
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and if you are eligible, you could be a Profession Liberale. No training course, free registration with URSSAF. But you will pay later !

SIRET only indicates that you are registered with the French tax system.

You can read about the various forms of business here : http://www.apce.com


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