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Obtaining Social Security Number


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You have to be registered with the social security where you live, so I don't understand why you would need to go somewhere else to get one. Also  a friend of ours has been here 10 years is still on a temporary one anyway. There will be a paper chase of sorts before they will give you one anyway.

If you are a full time employee though it would be issued in the normal course of things anyway and there may be an acception under those circumstances as to where your SS office was too.

And believe me there is no easy to 'get' a national insurance number in the UK.

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And believe me there is no easy to 'get' a national insurance number in the UK.

On the contrary, I got a national insurance number for a new employee who had come over from The Seychelles when I ran a Ltd Co. in the UK with the greatest of ease. He simply had to sign a form that I had filled in for him (one page basically stating that you agreed that this was your main job, blah, blah) and a national insurance number was forthcoming - within a week as I remember. Registering as self-employed was also like falling off a log and financially beneficial. Some things are most definitely easier in good old blighty!!! Having said that, I've never drunk a decent bottle of wine for less than 2 euros in the UK!!!!!!!!!


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And they got other than temporary numbers? from the Seychelles? Within a week?

I have phoned everyone, including the issueing office  and they don't dish them out willy nilly. They do give temporary numbers out easily though.

My son with his british citizens passport with full right of residence in the UK, may get his in a few weeks time. He works part time in the UK, as he is a student and will, in spite of working, have to have what we have been told is a two hour interview and he has been there over 2 years now. So don't tell me it is easy, it is defineately not.


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Obviously not for you. Sorry but it was exactly as I said. He worked for us for over a year and now works for someone else. He didn't have to go to any kind of interview and nowhere did it say that it was a temporary number (although it could well have been). THat is the only experiance I have had so I can't compare to anything else.
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